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Usernames on the right
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Above the message wouldn't be good for the flow of reading just the posts, you "have" to read them (because you cannot not read). If it would be in a distinct block on the left (or right) you can just ignore the names if you want.
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
I have even worse problem: I don't look at the poster's name. I usually do it subconsciously, but this time, it just slips trough my eyes.
I noticed this when I was writing like this: "@somebody: blahblah" and I couldn't remember who I was writing for. I usually am good remembering others' names, but now I couldn't remember because I never looked the name. It's confusing to read dialog without knowing who speaks and when.

I'm not opposing name at right side, but it should be on the left (top) side too (in the grey area).
Last edited by aXu,
G-kart Racer
Location: FI
yes it should be here atleast and this: "Enter a subject for your post." is not needed, is it ?  
read above

"Enter a subject for your post." is not needed, is it ?

Last edited by 1Zaitsev1,
Learner Driver
Location: DE
I think all has been said. +1 OP.

Space says:
(quite same for 14px font tho, you see much more less with it, 12px would be better. and even if ff thinks it'll fill the site better, think about people with tablets and laptops)

I agree with this too, it looks like everything is bolded :s
Moped Racer
Location: US
All the people who are perfectly happy with the forum just how it is don't post. Its a small change to see things on the right, but I have viewed this forum in development on the left and the right and for some reason we liked it on the right.
Surely Retired
Location: GB
and for some reasons you don't care about OUR opinion? don't be so selfish.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Space says:
and for some reasons you don't care about OUR opinion? don't be so selfish.

I just said, all the people who are not complaining are the silent (and happy) majority, you are not the majority, there will be as many people complain that we change it as if we do not.
Surely Retired
Location: GB
imho all the people who don't complain just don't care at all, if it will be on the left or on the right. I didn't see much people yet who WANT it to be on the RIGHT.
and hey, is it so hard to add the name on the grey bar? noone uses post's subject anyways, so just replace it (pleeease!).
Last edited by Space,
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Space says:
imho all the people who don't complain just don't care at all, if it will be on the left or on the right. I didn't see much people yet who WANT it to be on the RIGHT.
and hey, is it so hard to add the name on the grey bar? noone uses post's subject anyways, so just replace it (pleeease!).

True. I don't care at all :3. As long as it isn't above the post its allright.
However, somehow this looks cleaner then users on the left side. I mean the align makes everything messy, so I might prefer this. It doesn't really matter tho.
Segmentation fault
Location: NL
Space says:
hey, is it so hard to add the name on the grey bar? noone uses post's subject anyways, so just replace it (pleeease!).

There is the possibility that something can be done in the personalised site layout options on the 'My Account' page to make left/right forum layout a choice, but these are not built yet. That is not a promise that we will make it an option, but we will think of doing it.

Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
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