After a few months not playing TM2 the launch of shootmania and maniaplanet 2 convinced me to come back and with my buddies make some more maps, some are not as good as others but please try them out. A lot of my maps were designed for race play as I prefer that sometimes to time trial, however some of the maps can easily be used for TA. I'm also aware that my AT is poor, this is just due to me not being interested in setting a decent time as it will be used in race more then time trial
UUDDLRLRBA, or Konami Code, was one of my first maps, its a mini tech style map, requiring drifting skills, but at a slower speed then the fast open maps you get nowadays. Its a personal Fave
This is one of my fave maps, while simple it still produces a lot of fun. the start was a total accident but it helps the maps overall feel. have fun at the last jump though, just remember to line up right
these two tracks are exactly the same, however as you can tell, one is the map but done from in reverse. I discovered by accident once that doing the original track backwards has a better flow to the track, I have yet to discover any other tracks that has the same feel but if I do I would love to put them in reverse aswel