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MX people count from TMX
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MX people count from TMX  
Hey, (probably to fastforza)

How do you know only a certain amount of the users here are from TMX? How do you check it? I guess you don't use the username because those are quite dynamic and you would be 'sometimes from TMX' and 'sometimes not'. Also you can't do it by IP because some users would have the same problem as above.

I never entered some information about my previous TMX account so once again, how exactly? Because I'm quite sure it's not counting me :p I'm with a dynamic IP all the time and my username can't be the same as on TMX because it doesn't allow the *-sign (yet).

Thanks in advance,

Learner Driver
maybe by email addresses?
Quad Bike Racer
Location: TJ
If you're referring to the statistics shown on the accounts portal, ignore them. TMX actually refers to the 'TrackMania Mania Exchange', an exchange within the MX network.
Deep fried
Location: AU
rename it to TMMX xD
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
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