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Project: Play All Canyon Tracks
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I just went from ID 777 to ID 851 in just a couple days. If I did that all the time I might actually get somewhere. :p

I just wanted to post here and say that I haven't quit this project. It's still as fun as ever, and I'll try to participate as much as possible whenever I can. I'm trying to catch up to the rest of you. I know at least a couple of you are over ID 1000.

I looked ahead and it looks like ID 2453 is the last one from August 2011. If I can make it that far, I would like to do a blog post about my favorites from that first month of tracks, maybe highlighting 20 or so of my favorite tracks from each track style from August. There's a lot of gems in there with very few awards.
Site Leader
Location: US
I just wanted to write a note to say that I haven't given up on the project. Someday when I have a little more time I will definitely continue. (y)

However, now that Stadium is also part of MX, I've decided to exclude it from this project.

Although I do enjoy Stadium on occasion, I have no desire to play all Stadium tracks, especially when a large percentage of them right now are simply converted from TMNF.

So the topic title has changed to "Project: Play All Canyon Tracks".

How is everyone else doing on the project? Is anyone still driving tracks in sequence?
Site Leader
Location: US
I'm on ID 1108 atm. Have been bussy for a while now, but will continue on the project soon! (brb)
Does it djent?
Location: NO
I'm still in as well. Well, kind of^^ I mostly play Shootmania these days, however I drive some tracks every now and then. At the moment I'm at 1314.

But good to see that there is somebody out there, thought I was the only one remembering this, hehe :d
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
Nice to hear from both of you! (y)
Site Leader
Location: US
This actually seems pretty fun. I'm just getting back into TM2, so I will be starting on this.
Old Age Caravanner
Location: US
Cool trackracer11! (y)

I finally passed id 1000! \o/
Site Leader
Location: US
You guys are brave doing this :-)
I sometimes do some "random button" sessions and find great gems

here are a couple of them that I awarded, some underrated tracks, some just a racing line but still good

Have you found some hidden gems while doing this project?
Quad Bike Racer
Location: PT
You can post the underrated tracks in the "Recommend a track" post :)
Does it djent?
Location: NO
I'll definitly join this. Also for Valley and Stadium :p
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
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