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MTC May 2013 - The Offroad Monster - Results on page 7!
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Apology for incorrect date  
Dear participants and other readers, you can still submit additional tracks until the end of the weekend. I messed up the dates, initially, the limit was May 19th. My apologies.
Moped Racer
Location: SK
Mistakes can happen...

Are there already some judges, btw?
gado is a
Location: DE
No, not yet. Perhaps I will be one, but still looking for volunteers!
Moped Racer
Location: SK
*push?* :)
gado is a
Location: DE
Well, it's already June, and beside waiting for results I noticed an important detail: Are there any judges!? In the "Confirmed judges" list I only read "volunteers welcome!"... kinda strange...

I'm just making it note; and NO, I won't be judge! =p
Quad Bike Racer
Location: CL
Agree, Seems like there are no judges at all.
We have to find a way to promote judges, maybe offer them planets for judging ;)

Another way could be that every participant has to judge the tracks, except his own one.

However, the way it currently is it is not rewarding at all to be a judge. We have to offer them anything. Planets, showcase, whatever.
I would judge, if I hadn't participated... :d
gado is a
Location: DE
haenry says:
Another way could be that every participant has to judge the tracks, except his own one.

"Oooh, this track is better than my own! 0/10 so it doesn't win" :p

If there are no judges, we probably shouldn't force people to be judges, but just shut down this MTC and focus on the MTCs that are actually popular (ie ones for titles that don't suck).
Moped Racer
Location: BE
Enai, please, tone it down.

Judging is in progress, I simply didn't update the post correctly.

Any ideas for a way to make judging less of a chore and perhaps even more rewarding would be appreciated.

I'd really like winners of an MTC to volunteer as judges for one of the next rounds, in a sort of "giving back to the community" way, but I cannot force this on anyone.
Moped Racer
Location: SK
Enai if I was a moderator I would delete all of your comments. Why spend so much time hating?

Now back to the topic: I do believe that this shouldn't happen again. I cannot judge because I'm in finals season, and during May a lot of people were in finals season. My suggestion is trying to reach out to some active members that do have time and maybe, just maybe, wouldn't mind testing the 10-15 maps that enter the MTC, and in the meantime either keep the contest open or close the contest topics.
The Green Dude
Location: ES
Osaka is kind of right.
If the topic is great and a lot of cool maps are submitted, judges will be a lot easier to find. And together with a little Planet bonus for those Judges finishing in time like on tmx, it should be possible to find enough judges for future MTCs.

The offroad MTC is a little more pain to judge due to tracklength...
gado is a
Location: DE
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