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MTC July 2015 - Crossroads
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GG all (y) Uh... i'm not last, wow!^^
Learner Driver
Location: PL
congrats to everyone XD

Flame strikes again XD
Last edited by FT»lolig,
Moped Racer
Location: BE
im surprised double trouble won, i didnt think many here enjoyed fullspeed maps :^)

congratz guys
G-kart Racer
Location: US
GG all, and thanks to all voters and participants, especially everyone who took the time to offer feedback!

I moved up from the bottom half of last month to the top third of this month. Hopefully I will make podium one of these times, though the exposure is rewarding regardless. I like to build tricky canyon maps, which inevitably tends to bring poor reviews from diehard stadium fans, so podium might require changing my mapping goals (which I'm unlikely to do).
Old Age Caravanner
Location: US
Congrats to the top 3, well deserved! (y)

Unfortunately I have some complains to this otherwise great MTC.

Firstly, how can votes like "never tried but looks redicolous" and "didnt know where to go" on a track with GPS, be taken siriously? I mean you should look at a track as a whole before voting. Also I think votes under 5 should be better motivated.

Secondly, the server thing didnt work out for my track, as it wasnt planed for online play. I like the idea of having a server, but when voting the tracks should be driven offline.

Still a great MTC, and hope to see everyone in the August one! ;)

Cheers, Clearvision
Quad Bike Racer
Location: FI
What a surprise! I really didn't expect to win.

A huge thanks to everyone involved. Trackbuilders, voters and those who host the MTC!
GG all :cool:
Learner Driver
Location: AT
GG all, theme was very interesting for me.
I bravely avoided last position this time, not sure how that cut went unnoticed by my cut detector agrrr.
Old Age Caravanner
Location: RS
Very happy to get a 7th out of 18 :cool:

The server was great, best way for me to play all maps

Thanks for hosting and good job everyone :)
Old Age Caravanner
@clearvision, about the server. how often is it that someone submits a map that is not suitable for online play? I can't remember the last time that happened tbh
G-kart Racer
Location: US
It was also stated clearly at the beginning of the comp that the maps would be on a server, so not designing a map that would work on a server wasn't a good idea.
Learner Driver
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