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MTC July 2015 - Crossroads
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my map wasn't build for online servers :p
On servers are mostly shorter maps than with what I've gone.

so imo the server has nothing to do with the scores. its just a lazy ass way to judge.. and prob, your map came after a few harder maps wich made the judge annoyed.. (seen some of these on the server, also these guys ragequitted and came back after a while)
Moped Racer
Location: BE
FT»lolig says:
its just a lazy ass way to judge..

It's also more time efficient, because searching judges was always a problem. With this way to judge we also aim to get a result closer to what is the reality in the communities mind. (y)
Moped Racer
Location: DE
Still sounds like a bad way to judge to me.
Old Age Caravanner
Great results! Thanks guys and congratulations to the deserved winner and top 3 :award:

The server is not the way we are forcing you to judge all maps. It is just a helper and a lot more fun to play the maps on a server. Don't see it as a necessity ;)

PS: The perfect judging system is still non-existent, so it should be fine to go with a system the majority of players agrees with ;)

PPS: Don't forget that you won a Showcase, snake ;)
Last edited by haenry,
gado is a
Location: DE
btw I acctually liked the server for one reason.
while testing the maps I could talk to others and ask also their oppionion. making it easier to say some stuff about some maps.
Moped Racer
Location: BE
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