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MTC Jan 2016 - U-Turn Drama
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This look okay? Even though drops in a turn were deemed okay I want to be sure :)

Quad Bike Racer
Location: US
looks good :done:
gado is a
Location: DE

What about this ?
Last edited by sorrow,
Learner Driver
Location: HR
When you drive the first turn, I don't think you go full 180°, do you?
gado is a
Location: DE
How not ? those are 2 simple turn curves, should be 180°
I am more interested in 2nd turn, it seems bit more than 180° but it's canyon car so hard to notice those stuff while playing, from topview is different
Last edited by sorrow,
Learner Driver
Location: HR
Depending on your speed, a fast line through the first U turn would not perform a full 180. Say you started the marked path from stopped. By trying to go in a straight path from the inside wall of the first turn to the inside wall of the second, you could cut as much as 30 degrees of actual turning. If it were a fast approach, one might need to start wide, come out centered to approach the second turn, and then the total amount of turn would be okay.
(Edit: If you are coming from a direction that adds a few degrees of turn before entering the road block, you're probably fine)

Turns more than 180 are totally okay. The range between 45 and 179 is all that is excluded for this contest.
Last edited by bwbigmac,
Old Age Caravanner
Location: US
dsnt look like a 180 at all, even with different lines the valley road is large, you most likely will never do the full turn.
Quad Bike Racer
As bwbigmac explained correctly, the first turn is not a 180° turn if you look at the line of driving.
In this contest the line of driving (the fastest line to be more specific) is important, not the shape of the road blocks.

Your second turn is fine, because the line makes a turn bigger than 180°.

So you need to change the first turn ;)
gado is a
Location: DE
yep, I got it, tnx bois :)
Learner Driver
Location: HR
Uhhhhhh... Guys?
Isn't the deadline sunday, which is yesterday? :wait: (brb)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: CL
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