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Buddha's Track Temple²
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Buddha's Track Temple²  

Here we go.
Second track and a step further to my goal to create badass tracks. When you already drove this track and think: wtf is he talking here? Just take a second on my last track and you will understand :p

This one is much more smoother and a better flow. I declared it as Tech, but it isn't really Tech, more a mix of Normal-Tech. But I think you will have fun driving it, so go out and enjoy it.


Mood: Day
AT: 1:10.17
MT: Intro

Lope by   Buddha
Last edited by Buddha,
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE

Hey you, out there. My third track has arrived packed with a bunch of techy curves.I already there are some part you probably won't like but go ahead and find out for yourself :p Have fun driving.

Mood: Sunset
AT: 1.06.31
MT: Intro :done:
Screen (1920x1080): Click Me!


San! by   Buddha
Last edited by Buddha,
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE

oO°. by   Buddha

Here we go with track number 4.
This time moar speed :)
I used a loop here, actually I don't see one often and thats kinda sad as it was always nice in TMF. But don't be afraid I haven't used the loop :p
Hope you enjoy driving.

Greetz Buddha



This one was actually not intendend, it just came up
It's also quite short compared to my last ones.
But I think you can have fun on it, so go and have some.
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE

Look Buddha is here to spread his spirit. Actually thought to be my entry for the XR contest, it just is too long. So put it up here and you go out and have ride now. Enjoy it


MT: Intro, Podium
Planets: 4600
AT: 1.12.96
Mood: Day
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE

just a short, simple map I did only using the simple editor. Nothing special ;)

Have Fun

Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
Go ahead and give me a try :)

This one is neither FS nor Tech, just a simple race track. When you first drive you will probably ask yourself, why the f*ck did he use these FX effects?... Well, I actually like the atmosphere. So live with it or deactivate it
I know it's dark in some places, but I also know you can make it.
So have a nice ride. Enjoy it!


MT: Intro, Ingame, Podium
AT: 1.22.17
Mood: Sunset
Screen (1920*1080) http://www.mania-community.de/imagehosting/814efa236e54a59.png
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
About this track
This one is a fun track, intended to enter in a clan intern contest. Imagine you drank all night and are a bit dizzy now. You then, somehow, have the idea to drive home. You can't see well, you actually see things twice or more, Your view is dark and not sharp, while you try to not hit the walls. Which is impossible :d

If you want to complain about the FX effect, do so, but this one here is essientiel for the track. As said it's a fun track. I hope you enjoy it and upload a replay from one of your trys :d


P.S. Titel was last year a popular party song and translates into something like "Party all night"!
P.S.S Don't drink too much tonight and do not drive while you're drunk! Happy new Year :)

AT: 40.96
MT: Intro, Ingame
Mood: Night

Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
I'm proud to present my first duo map. Together with my clanmate Ananas, I form the duo Opiumschrank.
... says:
Our first track ist split half-half: first half build by Ananas, second half by Buddha. The track is speedy, and has some technical turns, but overall it is a track, which is fun to race on. Authortime is driven by Ananas and around 59.xx. Try to beat it :p
So we just leave you now and hope you enjoy our track.
And don't forget: Roll one, smoke one!


AT: 59.96 (driven by Ananas)
Mood: Night
MT: Intro, Ingame, Outro
Planets: 7691

Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
The Pit  
Hey MX!

Everyone is playing Storm now (including me :d), so I thought I would just publish a new track. Worked on this a few weeks ago, but the Storm came out, and you now .. :p
Nothing special today, actually quite simpel, should be good for online :)

Mood - Sunset
Intro - (short one, had some problems)
Planets - ca. 4400
AT - 0:53.67
Screen - Bigger and better^^

Have fun and drive safe :d

Last edited by Buddha,
Old Age Caravanner
Location: DE
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