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TrackMania 2 Lagoon
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18 May? i can it do it anymore. why? because it no longer to works. SORRY
Your sins have no absolution.
Location: TH
I Always Love The Lagoon Environment, i Played Trackmania Turbo Too And I Created A Lagoon Track on The Game,

Location: RO
Beta is out... and what do w e know so far? 3 MP4 updates today..
lagoon beta asks for a key.
tries to find my key...
:wait: :wait: :wait:
Internal Server Error. cannot load the page where my beta key is at...
edit: got acces

why the hell even get so many unexplained MP4 updates. while you still can't acces the beta?

they should've put MP4 in beta for some longer time..
official release and yet each day I get like 2-3 MP4 patches/hotfixes....
Last edited by FT»lolig,
Moped Racer
Location: BE
FT»lolig says:
Beta is out... and what do w e know so far? 3 MP4 updates today..

i agree with you lolig. I can do it anymore because it beta is out.
Last edited by Mekh,
Your sins have no absolution.
Location: TH
Nadeo's tracks  
Nadeo's Lagoon tracks have been added through B10. That's 10 more than the previous time I looked (a few days ago), but still I'm wondering why progress seems slow there. When are the remaining tracks expected to become available? Thanks.
XASECO[2] Developer
Location: NL
Two reasons the maps have come slowly.

1. It prevents too many maps from being spammed on the find tracks page at once, thereby not pushing other players' maps off the first page.

2. The screenshots for the tracks hadn't been done yet.

Screenshots are finished now, so the remaining tracks will get posted by the end of the weekend.
Site Leader
Location: US
All posted now. (y)
Site Leader
Location: US
eyebo says:
All posted now. (y)

Great! That allowed me to compile the table of Lagoon medal times, just like for the other envs. Thanks again.
XASECO[2] Developer
Location: NL
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