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Your Mania Exchange account has not be linked with your ManiaPlanet account. Click here to link them.
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I can now link my accounts ! Thanks ! :)
Learner Driver
i cant even log in my mania exchange account. if i want to log in, the site's only "refreshing".

Learner Driver
Location: DE
i can´t see the online records on my track.

Learner Driver
Location: DE
Having the problem that it says "Your Mania Exchange account has not be linked with your ManiaPlanet account. Click here to link them." But when i go ahead and click on "here", it says "Your account is currently associated with: orazy" below "ManiaPlanet Account". I'm really confused and i hope it is getting fixed for me.
Learner Driver
Location: DE
It's being worked on oRAZY. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Luporacer says:
i can´t see the online records on my track.


That's a seperate issue and offtopic to this topic.
But I will quickly answer you.
ManiaRecords, the 3rd party site hosting the online records, has been closed (see this post on tm-forum).
If you click the text under the records box that says "Dedimania" it will show those records instead.
Probably in the future ManiaRecords will be removed from this site altogether, since their database is closed.
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
maniarecords was way better than dedimania imho... why didn't they close dedi instead? ):

/offtopic: are there any more ranks after sports saloon racer? 8-| /
Last edited by Space,
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Space, you went from one offtopic thing to another offtopic thing. :p

Anyway, for those who don't read the front page news:

Forzyy says:
We are receiving numerous reports of new registrations who's accounts are not being linked correctly. We are aware and are investigating. ;)

If you have a problem, please post in the following thread:
Your Mania Exchange has not been linked.

- Do not send the moderators a message.
- Do not open new threads.

If you receive this message, please be patient and in a few hours your account should be linked correctly when we synchronize all logins.

Site Leader
Location: US
Thank you so much for responding and taking care of my problem so fast. :d
Hope it is going to fix my replay uploading Issue as well:
It says: "The driver login does not match your player login." Even though they are 100 % the same.....
except my MX login is "oRAZY" and under "ManiaPlanet Account" it says "Your account is currently associated with: orazy" so its just about the capital letters....

Last edited by oRAZY,
Learner Driver
Location: DE
Please help me!  
I logged in and linked my account and I keep seeing this message on the MX page:-
Your Mania Exchange account has not be linked with your ManiaPlanet account. Click here to link them.Please help me! :(
Learner Driver
It should be OK now. (y)
Deep fried
Location: AU
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