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MTC - October 2011 - First MX edition! [Results on page 23!]
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Space says:
why no planets for winners? since many people don't even have tracks yet...

Well, we have to get the planets from somewhere or someone first :p
Therefore, donations would be appreciated ;) If you feel like having a surplus of planets which you don't need, feel free to send them via ingame PM to tmdraxter

Space says:
track length restrictions?

We just forgot this, so I've added a 1:30 minutes restriction!

Marius says:
Isn't there any Theme-topic for judges? How well the track fits the theme?

We've added this one as well!

Builders says:
Dominik says:
Another thing, thin road on the ground and in the air count as different surfaces or not. Because they do look different y' know.

Anaerob says:
What if we have a three-second platform bit, a two-second jump and then another two-second platform bit? I.e., do we count time driven on the surface, or time between surface changes

Mandark says:
I have a 2 seconds off road, drop and 2 seconds off road.. is that legal or not ?

Mandark says:
Are these different surfaces ?
They are different textures, but they aren't affecting the driving in any way...

Enai says:
The top of the narrow concrete blocks (5-1-X) actually has a different texture than the big concrete blocks (3-1-X) even though it looks almost identical. Is almost good enough or are these considered the same?

Discussing with Ville, stay tuned!
Last edited by KekX,
MTC underway!
Location: DE
thx for information so far ;)

don't forget to decide not only for road on ground and road in air;
are also the other road-blocks different surfaces?

(canyon road, tunnel-road, platform-tunnel-road, the road on the side of the little mountain)
tunnel road in mountains itself looks nearly identical to the normal road in air, but it's a very different environment ofcourse.
Moped Racer
is air a surface? or can we have as much airtime as we want?
Beetle Racer
Location: US
KekX says:
:done: Air does not count as a surface - however, it won't count as the previous surface either (eg. if your track has 4 seconds of platform, then a 2-second-jump, and then offroad, it's fine)
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
The cliffside roads are noticably different from regular roadmain and should be different.
Moped Racer
Location: BE
it the platform road a different surface from normal road? and could i do 6 seconds of air?
Beetle Racer
Location: US
Wtf is platform road?
Moped Racer
Location: BE
I'm guessing he means the narrow roads that go through the middle of the platform/arena blocks.
Site Leader
Location: US
Banjee says:
it the platform road a different surface from normal road? and could i do 6 seconds of air?

Assuming you mean the Arena Tunnel, yes, it's a different surface. Air doesn't count as a surface, you can have a 50-second jump in your track if you want to place one somewhere
Back in action!
Location: FI
eyebo says:
I'm guessing he means the narrow roads that go through the middle of the platform/arena blocks.

yeah thats what they are ^^ :p
and thanks Ville for the answer!
Last edited by banjee»UD,
Beetle Racer
Location: US
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