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 Loops Anyone?

by  Trackmaniadude  |  0
AT   05:48.960 |  Stadium / StadiumCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  177830 
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 Author Comments
First off, thanks TurdleShell for calculating the shadows on this map because my computer could not handle it.

Ok, so this map was originally an MTC map (the one where a block/item was meant to be highlighted), but it kind of grew way out of control to such a size that my computer could not calculate the shadows without crashing. Then it sat on my hard drive for a while until I realized that I could ask others to do that.

Also, there's technically very little scenery but there's so much track the track pretty much is the scenery. Have fun driving this behemoth!

Also there are a few points that you can place the car at (in the editor) that you can continue from if you want to practice from later in the track.
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