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 [MTC] Cubic Spline

by  caerphoto  |  11
It's a start
Open to feedback
AT   01:19.791 |  Canyon / CanyonCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  38824 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   01:17.643  wait 11 (100%)
2nd   01:20.213   eyebo 10.56 (96%)
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 Author Comments
My first entry into the MTC :)

As the name suggests, it's based on my previous track Spline, modified to take the rules of the May MTC into account. In effect this means a completely reworked start, and an extended finish section.

The new start is where the majority of the new MTC bits come in: a short turn then a rather tricky uphill climp, over a boost then off the edge and into a canyon, to pick up where the original Spline began. I tried to make the climb as repeatable/unchaotic as possible, so with practice you should be able to do it fairly consistently. It's still not perfect, and I don't think it ever will be – the Canyon car's just really terrible at off-road :s

The new end section is on racetrack, and curves out over a watery canyon section before dipping through a tunnel then leaping up to the finish.

Author time is 1:19.79

Here's some screenshots highlighting the new parts:

The rather daunting-looking hill climb.

Curving round to continue on from where the original version ended.

The extended section over the water.

And finally up out of the tunnel to the new finish.
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