It's 23:35 CEST of the 19th of October of 2011. About 80 hours from now I will officially become an adult, but that's not what we're here to talk about. We're here to talk about this astonishingly... HARD track that I've made for this month's surface MTC. It could have been worse, it could have been in TM1 But since I always try my best at mapping, I sometimes let the flow of hard mapping take me away with it. For everyone out there, this appears as a transitional, speedtech map with some really tight spots *cough* 32-42 *cough* and a weird layout.
But aren't they all ^_^
As always, I will keep my original layout for this kind of author comments, and it means it's...
FULL MT (cept for GPS, not needed imo )
It has scenery! Ridiculously hard, yet fully respawnable (but I guess it's a direct consequence of the track only having 3 checkpoints )
Fits the rules, yet I had to work with a couple of loopholes (have you noticed one of the canyon road blocks actually forces you to go offroad? IT'S AMAZING! )
Fast and bumpeh - also don't expect your car to be kept clean :author: 64.76. It's a complete crap (Even I could make 62.low), but I really needed the validation.
Around 5500 coppers - not too much for canyon actually.
I hope the screenshot is in that phase. You know, I suck at graphic design, so if anyone is willing to make it, just PM me Great screenshot by our favourite mod, eyebo! Here's a bigger version.
(To continue with the layout...)
Thanks to the LT team for testing this map in such a short notice, you guys are pretty cool Thanks to ONO(TM), my ISP, for setting the internet up at my brand new flat in Santander today at 1PM Thanks to the entire MTC crew for making this possible and using such a great theme as the first one. I wouldn't like to be a judge knowing how my map is like tho And anticipated thanks to eyebo for creating the screenshot.
There will be no showcases this time either, it's been a month since I've played TM2 regularly so I don't actually remember any great tracks
So, I think it's time to go get some midnight coffee. Farewell, and my the stars enlighten your path through the life. Or, you know, a flashlight. Or waiting until daytime, that shit always works.
From this Spanish mapper who writes this excruciatingly long author comments that no one will read but-oh-well-it's-my-author-comments-bitch