Yep, already a new map. This time there is a little story related to it. Right after CSb¹» Imagination by Scape»BCS was released (made the MT for it) sbone asked me if I would like to build a second map for his team and server. I had to think about it a while... means I intantly said I'll do it. I mean, who would not want to build a map for CSb¹?! And the fact that I am the fourth mapper that releases the second map for this team was an additional motivation. So I started immediately to build a map. Well, here it is.
Much thanks to sbone, 400r_ and X-Valley_Slow for taking the time to test this map.
Also a really big thank you to the whole team CSb¹» for their massive support over the years! Really, thank you all very much! Make sure to visit their rounds-mode server FunRacers90k, it's worth it! Click here to join!
If you prfer time attack there is a server for it too, called FunRacers80k. Click here to join!
Alright, enough talked. Here is what you'll get:
AT - 44.67 (really excited to see whats possible)
sic-styled raceline
Heavy scenery
Full respawnable
Complete MT
Massive use of CSB¹» - adds
Preview Video made by iamajellydonut. Thank you very much, I really appreciate it!
So I won't steal more of your time. Just some last words. I really hope you'll enjoy your ride as much as I have enjoyed building this map. If you like this map please leave an award. Make sure to upload your best replay anyway and leave a comment if you feel like having something to say.
Now hit the install&play-button and have fun hunting!
You guys are crazy, that's for sure. Best of the Week again! Thank you all so much for your support!
Instant award? Really?

Thanks a lot my friend, I really appreciate these nice words. I'll take your

for sure, it gets a nice place on the mantelshelf.

Thanks again!
Thank you very much mate, really appreciate your nice award!

Now that's something I never expected to read! Thanks a lot for this great award!
What an award again! Even if it's quite short this time.

I'm really happy you enjoyed the map. Did I really use your start? I just built it and it worked nicely... who cares, it's great anyway.

I tried to mix up the style of Joyride and some of my latest maps, glad it worked out. Thank you very much for your nice words mate!
So nice to read your award mate! I'm so happy you like this map that much, I'm even more happy that you think it's one of the best maps you ever played. Thanks a lot for this incredible award mate, it's very much appreciated!
Thanks a lot for your nice award, glad you like the map!
What an award!

Thanks a lot!
Thanks a lot!
Thank you so much for your nice award!

Always happy to receive one from you!
Thank you very much for your nice award mate, really appreciate it!

I'm always happy when you like my maps.
Thank you so much for this award! I'm always happy to read that people like my maps but I'm even more happy when I read awards like this one! Again, thank you very, very much!
Great award OpreY!

Thank you very much, really glad you like the map!
Masterpiece machine? Didn't know I am one but sounds great!

Thank you so much for this nice award man, really appreciate it!
Thanks a lot!
Okay... I guess this is the point where it's getting really strange... I mean... wtf is this award?!

First of all: Thanks a lot mate! Of course I want to marry you... NOT!

I know how the last section would sound if you said that to me on TeamSpeak. LMAO
To be serious for at least one second: Thank you very much for this... eerm... let's say "special" award!
I'm always happy to see new names in the award-section, especially when the award is this nice!

Thanks a lot, really appreciate it.
Thank you so much for this nice award and also for this awesome replay!
Sorry, next map might contain more drifts, drops and cookies.

Thank you very much for your nice award, glad you enjoyed the map in the end.
Thanks a lot mate!
Thank you very much, glad you enjoyed the map!
Thanks a lot!
Hans Holo
Lovely award!

Thanks a lot!
Please make sure to check out the other dedicated maps. Here are some of them.