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Mission: "Don't give unwanted shortcuts a chance!"
Mission: "Don't give unwanted shortcuts a chance!" 21 Dec, 2011
 German INSOMNIA Clan (5 comments, 1051 views)  
Misson: "Don't give unwanted shortcuts a chance!" (y)

Our Clan (INSOMNIA) does not allow any cuts at our clanmaps!
Therefore our Clan is checking and testdriving our clanmaps internal a lot of times before we publish them, as we don't wanna give any unwanted shortcut a chance! And we take this kinda serious, as we do not like "cheating". But sometimes even our tests are overlooking some possible shortcuts.

You can download our maps here at Mania-Exchange or you download all our Clanmaps all at once: INSOMNIA CLAN Trackpack

So we ask you to please report us every shortcut you will find at our INSOMNIA Clanmaps! If you find one ;) The unwanted shortcuts will be eliminated as soon as possible then and a new fixed version of those Map will be uploaded at our Clanpack and at Mania-Exchange. :done:

Thanks! (y)

yamyam (Clanleader)
INSOMNIA - German Multigaming Clan since 1998!
5 comment(s).
 German INSOMNIA Clan writes ... 07, Mar, 2012  
INFO ABOUT A MAP-FIX: An unwanted shortcut has been reported by
"Keirabxtch" for the INSOMNIA Clanmap "TECH-MULTIROUTE #005", thank you! (y)
The unwanted shortcut is eliminated and a new fixed version of this Map has been uploaded. :done:
 German INSOMNIA Clan writes ... 05, Mar, 2012  
INFO ABOUT A MAP-FIX: An unwanted shortcut has been reported by
"EmuHanoi" for the INSOMNIA Clanmap "TECH-SHORT #001", thank you! (y)
The unwanted shortcut is eliminated and a new fixed version of this Map has been uploaded. :done:
 SPIDER writes ... 18, Jan, 2012  
i submit my replay ;)

 German INSOMNIA Clan writes ... 03, Jan, 2012  
SPIDER Happy new 2012 :) says:
i found 2 today and i used them
I tok loc 1 and loc 2
not so easy cuts but you find them soon
i dont know what the name are but here are some info.
one is a pf start and you jump on a tree in the start and bounce on a light pole and then it starts
and the other is a jump from a loop to the right and jump in to the finish
neither is easy, but easy to spot for a cutter 8-|


Thanks for your help of finding unwanted shortcuts we didnt found ourself, we appreciate that!

But if you find an unwanted shortcut, please do following:
  • 1. Check if it is really a cut and if it is faster then the regular way the map author wanted you to use.
  • 2. If its faster, then please write down the name of the map (you can see it at the top right of the server interface)
  • 3. Go to this page: http://tm.mania-exchange.com/tracksearch?mode=1&authorid=3599 and search for the map-name and click it.
  • 4. Then report the cut you found on the map-page itself, so it is easier for us to know what you are talking about and to fix it.

Thanks a lot for your support and work (y)
 SPIDER writes ... 03, Jan, 2012  
i found 2 today and i used them
I tok loc 1 and loc 2
not so easy cuts but you find them soon
i dont know what the name are but here are some info.
one is a pf start and you jump on a tree in the start and bounce on a light pole and then it starts
and the other is a jump from a loop to the right and jump in to the finish
neither is easy, but easy to spot for a cutter 8-|
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