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 MTC August 2015 results are here!
by  haenry at 01 Sep, 2015  

:gold: "[MTC] - Skyborn by   Skellborn
:silver: "[LOL] MTC Full Baked by   Beatinfected
:bronze: [Bad Track/Map Link]
4. "Gold (MTC) by   Zack11
5. "mtc | A Way Home by   Snake55wildcat

Congratulations two the winning duo, Skellborn and skyslide, and to Beatinfected and Nitrono, who made it onto the podium with a very close point gap ahead of Zack11 and Snake55wildcat.

You can check out the full results here.

Don't forget that a new month and thus a new MTC has begun: Switching Surfaces.

Update: The voting for MTC September has begun. Contribute to the voting and click here

The popular Paragon League Cups of SM will come to Trackmania very soon. Therefore we're hosting a track competition, to find the 9 best maps for the upcoming Paragon Chase Cups.

:award: You can win a frontpage showcase, a unique ingame gold tag and planets.

Give it a try! :cool:

:award: "MTC - Double Trouble by   MoniTor
:silver: "mtc | FORTALEZA by   Snake55wildcat
:silver: "MTC Search for more. by   FT»lolig

Congratulations to MoniTor for the first place with quite a gap to the two second places Snake and lolig!

Click here for the forum post and here to see the votes and comments.

Don't forget, you can submit maps for the MTC August ;)

As you might have read, ESL has released a new maprequest for the upcoming Canyon Nations Challenge 2015. In this tournament, national teams will be competing with eachother to decide who is the best nation in Canyon. In order to give all mappers plenty of time to create their maps (and the testers to test), they've decided to release the maprequest now.

Because of the limited amount of admins they have, they're also looking for map testers to help out to select the best maps. In the forumtopic there is more information on both subjects, though also feel free to check out the newspost over on ESL!

Check the forumtopic for more information
Check the original news on play.ESLGaming.com

UPDATE: The voting is open an we have a server with the MTC maps: More details

The MTC July 2015 is out!
This month's theme is Crossroads. You have to implement 3 types of intersections into your map. A regular crossing, a jump crossing and a re-use.
For more details visit the MTC thread. :)

This month we reached a big peak in submission numbers. So it's very important that many players will vote.
You can find all relevant information in this thread.

Start voting, be fair and most important, have fun! (y)

Trackmania Turbo was announced today during Ubisoft's E3 Press Conference.

You can also check out the trailer.

It'll be available on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC.
Release date: November 27, 2015

4 environments: Lagoon Rollercoaster, International Stadium, Canyon Drift, and Dirty Valley.

I'm sure you have many questions. "Hello Planet #5" blog post will be posted soon by Hylis. We'll link it here when it's available. It should answer many of our questions. Update: Here it is!

In the meantime, feel free to discuss here.

  • :gold: "MTC | Never Odd Or Even by   Clearvision.wp: Congratulations Clearvision, you managed to win this MTC with a big lead. It is fore sure a well deserved 1st Place!
  • :silver: "MTC - NOGear by   coldsoup
  • :bronze: "mtc | Aurora* by   Mwett
    Congratulations to coldsoup and Mwett who fought for the 2nd place. It turned out coldsoup won this battle with just a single point ahead. Congratulations you two. A really close 2nd and 3rd place.

    You can find the full results in this topic.

  • The sixth MTC of 2015 has arrived. It's time to go banked. A lot of slope madness is awaiting you.
    Join the fun

    The submission phase is over and thus it's time for you to vote.
    Simply drive all submitted maps and rate them from 1 to 10 in the form.
    Further details and the form link can be found here.
    Have fun :cool:
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