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 Are you feeling bi-directional? Its a new MTC!
by  MrA at 02 Feb, 2013  
Theme of the Month
Bi-Directional: Build a track with Multilap Start/Finish which splits soon* after start, forcing the player to choose one of at least 2 directions around it, and which finishes by entering the Multilap Start/Finish in reverse direction.

Saturday, February 23rd 2013


All wrapped up inside the month, here are the results of the January MTC....

:gold: "[MTC] Rise and Fall by   Sayotoshi
:silver: "MTC-Nosedive by   Beatinfected
:bronze: "Invasion (MTC) by   Mr.DVD

MTC Results Thread :done:

Congratulations to the winnners and we look forward to seeing some of you at the next MTC

Welcome to the ManiaExchange Monthly Track Contest (MTC), January 2013, hosted by Alcator for MX.

Up and Down
For this months theme, build a track in which the car reaches the lowest and the highest buildable level during the race, at least one of them twice, with the other one in between. In other words, the track has to contain a climb from the bottom to the top, followed by a descent from the top to the bottom. Or a descent from top to the bottom, followed by a climb from bottom to the top.

Building Deadline : Saturday, January 19th 2013

Forum thread with full rules and instructions

Be sure to check the forum thread, or your track may be disqualifed, your statutory rights are not affected, this news may contain traces of nuts as it was posted by someone who is nuts!

Due to the recent downtime, the BOTW list has been reset and the week of December 24th-31st has been lost. Unfortunately we cannot restore the BOTW list as this list is completely automated by the system.

However, we believe it's fair that tracks in the BOTW (24-31) are given a place on the front page to make up for lost time. You can find the list of tracks below. The list approximate and may not be definitive.

"[PF]-Allegro by   SuCCeSSoR-040
"P@in by   Mr.DVD
"Stage.12 by   3onyx™
"get funky? (DTC) by   haenry
[Bad Track/Map Link]
"Traction Reaction by   WRAITH
"(SC) Silent Canyon by   oldhill
[Bad Track/Map Link]
"WARHAWK by   guenni
" @ Tower Power slide by   racewolf

ManiaExchange :cool:
Welcome back to the site :)

Briefly, something went very very wrong! During a standard windows update the server became unable to restart, so we had to engage remote assistance to provide access to a recovery CD. We tried to repair windows with the recovery CD, but this failed, so a remote reinstall of the server was needed.

Thanks for your patience and for returning to ManiaExchange again!

Hey everyone!

The results of the year's last MTC are out! Congratulations to haenry for winning, and thank you everyone for participating! Great work from the judges as well. :) Click here to see the results!

The MTC Crew wishes you all enjoyable holidays! Merry Christmas, we will see you again next year! :cool:
The last MX knockout of 2012 has been played. Congratulations to the winners !
24th November, 2012 - 09:30 GMT Results
:gold: pepsimax
:silver: gosaft
:bronze: fonz

24th November - 20:00 GMT Results
:gold: chuckie
:silver: voyager
:bronze: wouter

The MX knockout will return in 2013. Hopefully by then we will all be playing the Valley and stadium betas.
There may be a special event KO sometime soon, just as a one off. So keep an eye on the news and forums.
And for those who have TM United. KO's will be played there while the TM2 KO is on a break !
Next Knockout Contest: 10th November 2012 KO1 - Rounds

1st KO Start Time: 9:30 GMT
2nd KO Start time: 20:00 GMT

Only 3 more KO left for the year !

Start Times are GMT, which means it starts an hour earlier for most European players due to recent changes around daylight savings times. GMT always stays the same, but your time zone may not, so check your own time relative to GMT, to be sure of when it begins.

We look forward to seeing you at the Knockout!

There is an issue that is preventing users from uploading maps. Please be patient while this issue is resolved.

These issues should now be resolved. If you still encounter any issues, please post in the Site Bugs forum.

The MX Weekly Knock Out will be played this weekend ! :o New players always welcome !

Start Times are 9:30 GMT and 20:00 GMT

Note that means it starts an hour earlier for most european players ! check your time vs GMT

We always need more tracks. :build: All builders are welcome to submit maps.
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