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MTC May 2024: Back But Not On Track
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Kalevtait says:
I probably don't have time to participate this month, but I just opened the Valley editor to tempt myself, and block group 10 in Valley is all roads. I assume this shouldn't be allowed.

This MTC is very "lax". I allowed folders with a lot of normal blocks in them and just assume people might or might not use them. The way I see MTC is that I just want people to have fun mapping. It's not a super serious competition, just another way to bring the mapping community together every month :). If you feel like the blocks shouldn't be there, then you are free to not use them, and I understand why you wouldn't. Try to keep it in the spirit of the challenge!
MTC Host
Location: CA
I just took a 2 year long hiatus from Trackmania, and what a perfect time to come back to. Glad to see TM2 is still getting some love. And yeah, i figured i may as well contribute. Let's see if i still have it in me.
Learner Driver
Kalevtait says:
I probably don't have time to participate this month, but I just opened the Valley editor to tempt myself, and block group 10 in Valley is all roads. I assume this shouldn't be allowed.

Those are the train tracks for the decoration train, not road tracks for the car to drive on. While you can drive on them, they are not intended to be used to race on.
Learner Driver
Are multiple submissions allowed? It's been a couple days since i uploaded mine, and i'm thinking that my odd car choice may not be to everyone's liking.

Yes, there is no limit on the amount of submissions! have fun :d
Last edited by AraiKay,
Learner Driver
Alright, i tried cobbling up together a second map with the time i had left, but it ended up being just awful to play, so i shafted it. Doesn't matter, tough, as i'm just happy to see that my main submission has gotten an award.
Learner Driver
I forgot to finish my map. Nooo :(
Well, i'll be more careful next time
Trying Unique Idea
Location: CA
MTC May 2024 Winners!  
This month's MTC is over. the votes for each map have been compiled and thus, these results came out.
The map that has recieved the best votes is Matsu's "Your New Home"
Congratulations to them!

The top 3 goes as follows

:gold: 1st place: Matsu - "mtc|your new home"

:silver: 2nd place: dr_eugene - "MTC - The Tree Hiding The Forest"

:bronze: 3rd place: DMW»UD - "MTCDecomania"

Thank you to everybody else who made a track this month, here are all the averages!
Matsu: 4.92
dr_eugene: 4.86
Hetna: 3.82
threading: 3.8
road64: 3.67
hentayaress: 3.63
LuckieNoob: 3.27
itryen: 3.23
LinuxCat: 2.83
Arkive: 2.67
XtremJinX: 2.62

You can access all of these maps in the Mappack below.
MTC Host
Location: CA
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