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ShootMania: Storm - Discussion & News
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slumpy via google translate says:
pti a summary of the article on what I saw nine ^ ^ (at the same time I'm not really the cur ^ ^)

- A traditional HUD, a viewfinder, no weapons apparent, figures 3 and level gauges.
- WASD keys for movement, a key to get a key to skip
- No button to crouch or lie down
- No button to change weapons for
- No button for secondary fire
- No throw grenade
- No jetpack
- Speed ​​and height of jumps reminiscent of the game "Tribes"
- Ability to sprint using the gauge stamina and chain the jump to keep an impressive speed.
It recalls the strafe jumping in Quake 3

- The rocket launcher is the only weapon.
- The speed of the rocket similar to the "Director Hit" Soldier TF2, must anticipate and compensate for the movement of the opponent
- The projectile is a ball of energy, it produces no damage to nearby exploded a blast but can projetter the opponent into the air and do the rocket jump in cooperative!

Two other weapons are available when the player is located in a specific place and can get away with:
Railgun shells or long range (to pull the bell)

Two points of life:
Hit by a rocket: - 1 pt
Touched by the railgun or a shell: - 2 pts

Mods tested:
- Arena 2vs2 up ... touch and protect the pylons like Control Point TF2
- Joust: a duel, where one must touch the pylons for obtenuir weapons and ammunition (such as video or itw there's no longer made)
- Elite: A 3vs3 player on a team defends with a rail gun vs. the 3 other players, if he is not dead after 2 minutes he must hit a pylon to win a point.

The Editor:
block 8mx8mx2m
easy to take control
Tactical issues to place huge areas with rail gun and shells.
- Trampoline!
- Body of water
- Areas of immediate death.

The script:
compilation and modification in real time

I put that key elements, but not being a fan of the genre, although I'm eager to test SM, I have missed the point.
As I have too much time I'll stop there.

If google do trad bullshit let me know ^ ^.

Site Leader
Location: US
great find eyebo. some really nice info in there! :cool:
Beetle Racer
Location: US
Yes indeed! The more I read here, the more excited I get! :d
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
Some info from Hylis:

Post 1:
"The TM you loved was simple and SM will be as well.

But as strange as it could sound, it is only since this article that I realize how much SM is close to TM for it's simplicity. During the dev, we only have the same reflex as TM I suppose. We never say: we need to do this because it would look like TM, we only want things to be simple, efficient and deep at the same time.

There are many reasons behind all of our choices. We did made a lot of things that are kept out of the game, on order to test them. We did this also with collision on TM. And I think that if I had announced no collision, no AI, no handbrake keys, no gears, no car custom and no cockpit views, a lot of people would have reacted the same ^_^"

Post 2:
"SM is in fact much more complex already. There is the mouse control and two mouse buttons in addition to the four arrows. At the same time, I have been surprised during the development to see that it is even more accessible than TM.

So, it is even more easy to learn and even more hard to master, especially because it is a battle between two players or two teams, and that the complexity is already high enough because of this.

If ShootMania would have been inherited of a solo FPS, I think that a lot of weapons and other stuff would have been inherited as well. But when you think of it as a sport, it is easier to start to understand our choices."
Old Age Caravanner
tmActu has a preview of ShootMania Storm, including two screenshots from the game.


More pics have been posted to shootmania.com along with this quote:

"shootmania.com" says:
ShootMania Storm is coming out this year! A fast paced FPS where players like you are given the central stage. Come to enjoy the pure online madness in 1v1 or team based battles. You decide what you want to play, and if it is not available, it's up to you to create it and show the ManiaPlanet gaming network what you are all about. For fun or competition, Storm will be out soon to bring you thrilling games!

Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
I did an edit of the screenshot from tmActu. :p

Site Leader
Location: US
Moped Racer
Location: SE
I really hope for nadeo that this will get big because theres so much competition in fps land. The editor is the real distinction and can be the key to succes or flaw.

In conventional multiplayer fps's its all about learning a maps' every corner and in the end youre playing only 10 of your favorite maps over and over. SM will be loaded by maps like in TM. Will there be servers hosting a 100 maps so the chance is slim that you play one you know? If so then it will all be about making kills, not about strategy since you dont know the map. But ofcourse its all speculating and im sure mappers will find a way to let a map feel intuitive so you can 'finish at first run' and make it 'easy to finish but hard to master'. In that way I think SM will be close to TM like hylis said.

Probably there will be servers that only host 10 top maps which is good for the players but not for builders who's maps will be downgraded to LOL servers.

Ah well lets see. But I hope i can set my space bar to jump since using the right mouse button sounds rsi sensitive. Besides my left thumb muscles are very trained by TM (xbox controller) and it would be a waste to not use it. :p

Last edited by GR.,
Quad Bike Racer
Location: NL
looks way too lighthearted to pull commercially, to be honest.

most FPS games are sold on gratuitous gore.
Moped Racer
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