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 Throwing Lasers

by  FT»Osaka  |  16
It's a start
AT   00:58.825 |  Valley / ValleyCar   |   Expert 
ID  49155 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   00:57.143  Minimariner 16 (100%)
2nd   00:57.252  chuckie 15.36 (96%)
3rd   00:58.465  inc 14.72 (92%)
4th   01:00.262  Mortex -745- 14.08 (88%)
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 Author Comments
Any complaints in the overcalculation - Sorry, but the trackname is there for something :p
Hello again MX! It's been a busy couple of weeks in my life and in MX in particular, but the reasoning behind this track has nothing to do with it. Well, maybe slightly. When Monstercat dropped their latest compilation album (014 - Discovery), they released as well the 2 album mixes that come with it (each containing half an album). The second one, Odyssey, struck me right from the tracklist, so I hopped into the editor and built this track while listening to it, and surprisingly enough the final product has 4 distinctive parts. The name has a bit to do with my latest hobby of watching American Football - Since the track had 4 parts I just kept thinking of tracknames having to do with that sport. And in the end, I chose Throwing Lasers because 1.- It's more generic than all the other ones I thought and 2.- Laser is what a pinpoint pass from the QB on long range and small parable is called, and this track does need some deadly accuracy at some points (CP2 to CP3, for example).

Over the course of 1 hour the track was built, and the scenery came the night afterwards. I had a last minute idea but decided to scrap it since I was already validating, and in the validation run I actually hit a smooth last drop, so haters gonna hate 8-|

But enough with the presentation, let's head over to...

:done: Its working title was Odyssey instead of Beta n, in what was a homage to what inspired this track.
:done: 7864 coppers, way less than Lakeview 8-|
:done: There's a reuse close to the start and finish, showcased in the screenshot.
:done: Screenshot that was made by yours truly. The original idea had a third car flying in the background jump, but it was already too small at 2400x1740 to be seen in the scale of the MX screenshot.
:wait: Wallpaper. I might release it someday, but it'll be the 2400x1740 shot I took (same aspect ratio), so don't get your hopes up.
:done: Right, music. This time it's by MitiS and MaHi, and the song is called Movements. Song structure responds to an original idea of making an intro...
:wait: But I forgot how to intro. The song still fits 8-|
:done: Usage of objects is introduced. Not too much (jump to CP3, a couple barricades), but it affects the actual route in that jump to CP3.
:done: GPS. Clocking in at 59.06.
:done: American football inspired name.
:done: A fancy dirt section.
:done: Nice scenery.
:award: 58.82.
:gold: 63.00
:silver: 71.00
:bronze: 89.00
:build: The track isn't fully respawnable - CP1 is completely unrespawnable due to extreme amounts of awkwardness in the possible respawn route. CP2 was meant almost as decorative asset, but I accidentally made it respawnable while building deco. THIS DOESN'T MEAN THAT IT IS A SMOOTH RESPAWN. The rest work pretty nicely.
:done: Just as a quick fun thingy, I wanted to beef up the finish a bit more, but the set ended and I ran out of ideas at basically the same time. To be precise, almost as soon as the bass dropped for the last time, as the last song in the set is basically the less appropriate to build with.

Thanks Zone!
Once again, much thanks to the people in #MX @ Quakenet for testing the map yet again, and thanks to eyebo for providing screeny guidance. Much thanks to the people in FT too for at least trying 8-|
Oh, and thanks to Suicide Sheep - the youtube music promoter - because the song I use as BGM is actually a song I found while looking through my playlists - he just posted it in the meantime and bam, coming in clutch like a manual transmission. The hunt occurred once I scrapped my original idea of using Six by All That Remains as Background Music.

Showcases time!

I'll start posting two endurance tracks of very different styles - First, Willow's magna opera, of about 4 minutes dominated by dirt:

And the second one is for eyebo and his übercompact, trial-ish 4 minute track:

The third one is for Nimrod, who found himself stuck in the jump to CP3 while testing. It is one hell of a transition for a tech track indeed. So I'll cool things off with his FSers:

And the fourth one heads straight to the head of the site, as a thank you for a recent event:


So that was all for this release. Now, while I listen to the mix that inspired this track, I ask you to play, like, award if you liked and come back for future iterations of my clear case of insanity. Have fun, and try to keep your speed on the starting zone over 200.

Godspeed, captains

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