[RPG] Zoo

 1  0  0  0  85
 248086 ID

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Map Information
Red Virus
Map Times
Type Race Map Type Race
Environment Stadium Titlepack RPG
Vehicle StadiumCar Game ManiaPlanet
Routes Single
Mood Night (64x64) Base Size X: 64 Y: 64 Z: 64
Texture Mod RPG_Jurassical_v3 
In-game Name [RPG] Zoo
Display Cost 70,803
File & Items Size 2,699 / 891 KB
Map records updated instantly.
Score Leaderboard points gained, based on Map value and proximity to current WR
Penalty - only relevant to time for Platform maps
00:10.00 Replay is invalid & driven on a different version of the map
Author Comments
Are you ready for a night at the Zoo?

*** Before you start running the track, please wait till all media has updated. There is a lot of FX sounds that need to load up so that you get the full experience. You can check by looking in the upper right corner was on the track. If there is a blue bar showing, it is still downloading the FX. Once it disappears, hit reset and start your run.

*** Now for some advice on this track. At the start, you can get confused pretty easy. Remember, your sneaking into the Zoo. look for every little corner and any little opening to find your way through. The obvious looking way is not always the correct path to take. Also pay attention to your CP count. You can easily jump CP's towards the end. Some paths are hard to find, so again, take your time and look around. Many players have raged quit because they could not find the correct route to take, but honestly, if you take your time you can complete it. It is a straight forward track but a hunt track the same. With all this in mind,good luck
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