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Welcome to the ManiaExchange Monthly Track Contest (MTC), May 2017!
In the MTC your task is to build a track on a given theme (see below). Later on, all of the entered tracks will be rated and a winner will be found.
This MTC edition is hosted by and .
Theme of the Month: Choose Your Own Route
Create a track that offers more than one way to the finish.- Max. Author Time: 120 seconds.
- There is no kind of block limitation other than to use only one finish.
- There should be no dominant route from start to finish.
- Every CP and the finish needs to be reachable through a minimum of 2 routes (example: approach a CP from 2 different directions, using a cut,...)
[List]- This broad theme allows for maps that have no linear and solid structure.
- Good flow is not required and interesting pathfinding is encouraged.
- Depending on what mapstyle you base your map on, good signage is not required (e.g. for pathfinding purposes).
All tracks should be submitted before the end of Friday 26th, May 2017 PDT.
Honour and the right to brag! (Jozii used to say that. I hope anyone still remembers him? )
The top 3 winners will receive a showcase of a track of their choice (< 10 awards)
General Rules- Custom objects are allowed
- Envimixing is allowed
- Blockmixing is allowed
- 64x64 mapbases are allowed
- Custom Titlepacks are not allowed
- Press Forward, Left, Right, or similar tracks are not allowed
- MTC should be present in the mapname. Example: MTC.Skyfall , MTC - Skyfall , Skyfall.MTC , etc
- 1 map per author
- To enter a track, simply upload it and post a link to your submission in the submission thread.
- You can update your map within the deadline as many times as you want.
We'll use a 50/50 mixture of the public voting system and the internal judging:- Everyone is allowed to judge, even players who submitted a map (give your own map a 10)
- Every map will be judged with marks from 1 (bad) to 10 (excellent).
- Note that you have to judge a stage entirely. You cannot judge only half of it.
- The internal judging will note some detailed feedback with points based on categories (Theme [20p], Creativity [10p], Funfactor [10p], Detailwork/Scenery/MT [10p]) - The point distribution might change, stay tuned.
- (added 22nd of May) Maps will only be disqualified if they completely miss the theme. For breaching the rules and for making single theme-related mistakes you will get point deductions. Keep in mind that getting penalized weighs in more than the rest of the judging process!
Last edited by Ozon - Max. Author Time: 120 seconds.
nice theme i guessPosts: 27
What about multilap with 2 different routes (1st & 2nd one are different). & what about order of CPs?Last edited by iHq/fredair.esuPosts: 434
fredair.esu says...What about multilap with 2 different routes (1st & 2nd one are different). & what about order of CPs?
Multilap in general is allowed, but you need to make sure that you can approach a CP from two different directions/routes anytime. If Round one makes you go this way and Round two makes you go the other way, it forces you to go a certain route, doesn't it?
There's no rule about order of CPs. -
Some Q&A's from Discord, just for your convenience:
Looks like this month's going to be very interesting; I already have a pretty good idea of how I'm going to tackle this.
I'm also hosting a planets competition for drivers of the MTC maps again, so head here to check it out. I've changed up the format a bit, so hopefully it's organized better this time around.
Good luck to all you mappers and drivers! -
The rules state to use only one finish: does this mean only one finish block, or only one viable finish line? Or, in other words, can I use fake finish blocks that aren't intended to be used as finish lines?
Arkive says...The rules state to use only one finish: does this mean only one finish block, or only one viable finish line? Or, in other words, can I use fake finish blocks that aren't intended to be used as finish lines?
One finish as in one place/line/block where you can end your run. -
interesting themePosts: 318
so I just came up with some nice idea (still trying to work it out)
I made a symetrical start. until cp 1, there you drive a forced way (either way you choose first you go the same way at this cp) after a next cp the road will split again opening 2-3 new paths. wich will come together at a certain point.
if it'll be possible I'll try to make a forced way once again and then another split (wich are similar with racing time but with different driving styles)
if this will work and would be allowed it will create a map with like 12 possible ways, and different driving types. not sure if it'll work out as intended but all i can do is try
Posts: 318
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