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The title says it. I am planning to do a video of my latest track with intro included, but haven't found a way to shoot the intro. Anyone?Posts: 46
I think he ment how he can record the whole track including intro.
I don't think there is an ingame/MT function for this.
You probably have to use fraps or whatever recording software and start recording when you open the track and play it. -
it is possible as I already told him on MSN
I once did so with an intro from Enai Siaion in TMNF
my guess is that you need to save the intro as a clip
than, go to a replay from the track, delete all stuff and import the clip -
peteypablo7 guess is that you need to save the intro as a clip
than, go to a replay from the track, delete all stuff and import the clip
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