District 25

eyebo Cuba»LT  and 24 more...

 57  105  16  37  4286 4
 29233 ID

Have fun with the Map! Please award the map if you liked it.
Map Information
eyebo Tower 04 & Project Lead
Cuba»LT Tower 18
haenry Tower 08
Space Tower 13
FT»Mandark Tower 10 & MediaTracker
adsun Tower 14 & Video Trailer
siem Tower 23
PangoLynne Tower 02
Tuta Tower 07
Phil Tower 03
Hans Holo Tower 25
Racho Tower 09
sho0ta Tower 21
basbaas»LT Tower 22
FT»Osaka Tower 05 Tower 24
Lukas»LT Tower 16
Elystix Tower 01
chuckie Tower 06 & Validation
md Tower 11
gb Tower 20
Cxom Tower 17
ddbb Tower 19
Kent Tower 12
Alteran Tower 15
Map Times
Type Race Map Type Race
Environment Canyon Titlepack TMCanyon
Vehicle CanyonCar Game ManiaPlanet
Routes Single
Mood Sunset Base Size X: 32 Y: 40 Z: 32
In-game Name District 25
Display Cost 57,736
File & Items Size 1,269 / 0 KB
Map records updated instantly.
Score Leaderboard points gained, based on Map value and proximity to current WR
Penalty - only relevant to time for Platform maps
00:10.00 Replay is invalid & driven on a different version of the map
Author Comments
A new version of this map has been released for the 10th anniversary of Canyon in 2021. You can try it here:

Now, back to the 2013 map...

WARNING: This track is very resource intensive! It is recommended that you turn down your graphics settings before trying it.

UPDATE January 2, 2018: Updated sign locators.
Welcome to District 25, the first MX Community track!

Before you go any further, watch the awesome trailer!
YouTube | TM-Tube


This project started on November 7, 2012.
Release was on February 25, 2013.

The goal of this project was to build a huge and fun endurance track. The editor area was split up into a grid of twenty five individual tracks. Each builder built their own individual track. Everyone built from base tracks that included pre-placed Start and Finish blocks. Some builders had to build from the ground up, others built from the sky down. All parts were combined using the copy/paste/macroblock tool, and then connected up, to make this huge endurance track we now know as District 25.

The track is a mixture of different styles. The hardest parts of the track are put near the beginning so that you can easily learn those parts. Careful attention was given to scenery and signage so that it is nearly impossible to get lost or take the wrong route.


Project Lead: eyebo

Track Builders: Elystix, BushMonkey, Phil, eyebo, Osaka, chuckie, Tuta, Haenry, RachoVolker, Mandark, md, Kent, Space, adsun, Alteran, Behi, cxomtdoh, cuba, ddbb, Blubber, sho0ta, basbaas, siem, Superal, Hans Holo

Validation: chuckie

Intro MT: Mandark

Beta Testing: adsun, chuckie

Trailer: adsun

Screenshot (Large) & Tower Signs: eyebo

Special Thanks:
chuckie, for coordinating with with the MX Crew and for helping with logistics.
Enai Siaion, for making a cool signpack.
Haenry, for coming up with the name of the track.
Hans Holo and RachoVolker, for being concerned about lighting issues, which prompted eyebo to make some changes to the project.
Nadeo, for making a project like this possible with the new tools in TrackMania 2.


0:43:18.01 - Author (watch the validation run on YouTube)
0:45:54.00 - Gold
0:51:58.00 - Silver
1:04:58.00 - Bronze

Shadows Computed: Ultra (calculations took just under 4 hours)
Checkpoints: 341
Blocks: 7451


Below are links to individual parts of the validation run if you find yourself stuck and need to watch a GPS. You can also find the links in the video description on YouTube.

Tower 01 - Elystix
Tower 02 - BushMonkey
Tower 03 - Phil
Tower 04 - eyebo
Tower 05 - Osaka
Tower 06 - chuckie
Tower 07 - Tuta
Tower 08 - Haenry
Tower 09 - RachoVolker
Tower 10 - Mandark
Tower 11 - md
Tower 12 - Kent
Tower 13 - Space
Tower 14 - Adsun
Tower 15 - Alteran
Tower 16 - Behi
Tower 17 - cxomtdoh
Tower 18 - cuba
Tower 19 - ddbb
Tower 20 - Blubber
Tower 21 - sho0ta
Tower 22 - basbaas
Tower 23 - siem
Tower 24 - Superal
Tower 25 - Hans Holo
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