MTC | Conjunction

 12  29  6  0  888
 224117 ID

Have fun with the Map! Please award the map if you liked it.
Map Information
Map Times
Race, SpeedFun, Transitional
Type Race Map Type Race
Environment Stadium Titlepack TMStadium
Vehicle StadiumCar Game ManiaPlanet
Routes Single
Mood Day Base Size X: 32 Y: 32 Z: 32
In-game Name MTC | Conjunction
Display Cost 3,438
File & Items Size 1,605 / 418 KB
Map records updated instantly.
Score Leaderboard points gained, based on Map value and proximity to current WR
Penalty - only relevant to time for Platform maps
00:10.00 Replay is invalid & driven on a different version of the map
Author Comments
Welcome to the ManiaExchange Monthly Track Contest (MTC) for January 2022! eyebo is your host for the month.
In the MTC, your mission is to build a map on a given theme. Later, all the maps are rated and a winner is found.

Theme of the Month: Connect the Dots
Use one of the base maps to create a map connecting the Start, CPs, and Finish.

My mapping experience

Alright, let's go! What do we have here? 👀
It's an empty map with a start, a fin and 6 randomly placed, and floating checkpoints. Hm, wow, different heights, different types, angled sideways and facing up/down. This ain't gonna be easy connecting them. Ok let's try!

The first two were easy, now what? How should I reach the third one? Ye, no way, each block combination feels weird. The line feels too slow & unnatural. What if i connect that CP with the one all the way back there? Alright, that's a plan. But wait, it's way higher and I need to be in the opposite direction afterwards...

Well we had tech so far, time for a creative Turn-Over looping. YES, it works. Let's add a jump transition for fun. Another drift upwards using this sculpture. We got something here: next CP reached. Another sculpture maybe for some spice? Okay! Another jump and we can approach the second last CP. Oof that one is way higher. I am almost at ground level. How to get up? Well lets see what the editor has here? Oh a big white curved roof. What if, no... Yes it worked! Oscar worthy drift.

Time to reach the last CP. Smooth 180° Drift and a nice fin jump up in the air. That's it! The route is done. That was f.u.n.
Now the scenery. Techy, abstract and fitting. Custom windows, glass tunnels, black pannels and custom signs to round it up! Looks good.

Cool route and scenery. ++

Approaching this task of connecting random Start, Finish and Checkpoints was a cool experience.
In the end, it ended up being a transitional speedfun map with some tech elements.
Tried using different sections, unusual scenery blocks for the route itself & new techniques.

Small montage and WR run will likely follow in the future on my YouTube Channel.

Nice goal for beginners would be finshing the map in one go, without respawns. If you want a little challenge try beating the Author time.

Map Name: Conjunction 🔗
con·​junc·​tion | \ kən-ˈjəŋ(k)-shən \

: an uninflected linguistic form that joins together sentences, clauses, phrases, or words
: the act or an instance of conjoining : the state of being conjoined : combination
: occurrence together in time or space
// a conjunction of events
: a complex sentence in logic true if and only if each of its components is true

The map contains a GPS and cool intro sequence
All CPs are respawnable and have a mediatracker showing the alternative route
Everything is connected in a non conventional way
Custom items for the route and scenery
Automatic cam change in the looping section
Custom mX thumbnail

Lmao that's it now! Have a nice ride
~ Citoxe🌴

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