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by  REACTisback  |  138
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AT   00:56.278 |  Canyon / CanyonCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  237725 
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 Offline records
# Record User Score Date
1st   00:55.435  eriik991 138 (100%)
2nd   00:55.458  Larentz 110.4 (80%)
3rd   00:55.543  Shadi 89.7 (65%)
4th   00:55.568   Hadschin 75.9 (55%)
5th   00:55.960  HYPE 63.48 (46%)
6th   00:56.788  gigon 55.2 (40%)
7th   00:56.905  noni 48.3 (35%)
8th   00:56.958  Julius 41.4 (30%)
9th   00:57.495  Roche 35.88 (26%)
10th   00:58.627  Plaste 30.36 (22%)
11th   00:58.922   eyebo 26.22 (19%)
12th   01:25.853  Nighthawk 22.08 (16%)
 Dedimania recordsView on Dedimania
 Author Comments
;) :build:
 Embedded objects36 Objects
Object IX? Object author
Block5.Block.Gbx react0506
C-Ballon2.Item.gbx xrayjay
CanyonRoadMainChicaneLeftDown.Block.Gbx Larentz
CanyonRoadRaceCornerOutS1.Block.Gbx Larentz
CanyonRoadRaceToRoadRaceTiltx2ShortLeft.Block.Gbx larentz
GPClipRemoverFinishBlock1.Block.Gbx eyebo
GPClipRemoverFinishBlock2.Block.Gbx eyebo
10-1-1_FullVoid.Block.Gbx eyebo
CanyonClipWallFill2.Item.Gbx Larentz
RoadMainSingleClip.Block.Gbx Trackmaniadude
SuperHolePunch.Block.Gbx Trackmaniadude
FlatCPwide_eyebo.Item.gbx xrayjay
SafetyBarrelsRight.Item.Gbx eyebo
C-LWhite.Item.gbx xrayjay
CPlatformBnHTransS.Item.Gbx eyebo
CPlatformFlatH.Item.Gbx eyebo
CPlatformFlatHTransF.Item.Gbx eyebo
RoadMainCheckpointOverlay.Item.Gbx eyebo
CPlatformAreBorFromN0.Item.Gbx react0506
ArenaBorderCornerPillarBankInSlope1.Item.Gbx eyebo
CPlatformAreBorPlain.Item.Gbx eyebo
ArenaBorderStraight1Half.Item.Gbx eyebo
RoadRaceToRoadMainOld1Mirror.Item.gbx Larentz
HorizontalTank.Item.Gbx eyebo
BadBoy.Item.gbx Larentz
CanyonSideWallTriangle1Normal05.Item.Gbx Larentz
CanyonRoadMainUseless1.Block.Gbx Larentz
PillarRemover.Block.Gbx luk-t-obk
Flat2BankedRoadRampInverted.Item.Gbx Mebe12
Road3Wide180DownDirtEnd.Item.Gbx Mebe12
Item2222.Item22222222.Gbx.Item.Gbx react0506
Item22222221111111333333.Item.Gbx react0506
6-1-3RoadMainToGP-Left.Block.Gbx eyebo
6-1-3RoadMainToGP-Right.Block.Gbx eyebo
CanyonClipWallFill2.Item.Gbx react0506
CanyonClipWallFill2_Mirror.Item.Gbx react0506
 27 / 36 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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