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The January MTC
The January MTC 31 Dec, 2011
 Monthly Contest Blog (8 comments, 875 views)  
Hey guys! Some MTC January stuff here.

The contest is going to be different from those that we've had before. It won't start until around 15th of January. The reason for this is basically that we want to ensure we have everything planned before the beginning of the contest. The January MTC will last through February as well, so the next MTC will be held in March. I wish I could tell you more, but I can't reveal the theme yet! :p

But if you're interested in judging, we would like to have 2 judges more! Of course it's better to wait until the revelation of the theme, but if you know that you'll have lots of free time in January/February, and most probably won't participate anyway, feel free to send a PM to Ville or KekX!

Last but not least, the MTC team wishes you all a happy new year 2012! Remember kids: don't drink and build!

8 comment(s).
 XT»Marti writes ... 13, Jan, 2012  
Whensitcomingcantwait :|
 Ville writes ... 05, Jan, 2012  
Just a note, I wrote this, just like the first MTC blog post. Not Kekx. So I take full responsibility...

I was supposed to write this on the forums, but I simply didn't figure out where to write it and afterwards I just forgot it - sorry about that. I didn't want to make a new thread for it. This was all really minor news anyway, the MTC didn't start yet and won't start until the midway of January.

Yeah, I want to encourage people to follow this blog because it's really handy for updating the news. Hopefully some kind of subscription option will come at some point, I understand it's a bit tricky to follow this right now.
 Cipher»LT writes ... 04, Jan, 2012  
Snip'thib says:
It is unbelievable that you are always trying to criticize the slightest thing

Mx and moderators try to make life easier, to develop new things like blogs, new idea for the MTC here and you are still trying to criticize, and it is not only valid for the blogs!
You remind me of those people who criticize the themes of MTC every month when they do not even try!
None of you will have rather the idea of saying THANK YOU for all the time KEkx you going to find us new things for the MTC ? Lazy MX users :@

Really, attacking me just because i think the location of the MTC news is illogical, and to categorize me as someone who just does this to be hurtful is... you know, i'm going to stop myself before i get into this any deeper, just to save you some feelings that might be hurt. (honestly, that is how it came across to me.)

Now, all i was doing was just saying that putting the news for the mtc in the blogs doesn't make any sense from my point of view, simply because...
1. The blogs are an "out of the way" place to be putting it, and from what i know the blogs aren't even finished yet which makes it even more illogical to be putting it here.
2. nobody said anything about it, the moderators, kekx, ville, nobody. Nobody said anything about the mtc news being on the blogs, till someone that wasn't a mod went to the forums and said that the mtc news was on the blogs.

It seems that anyone who gives criticism saying that they don't like it on mx anymore gets told down, and swarmed by vultures, just because they don't conform to what they want others to think.
 SPIDER writes ... 04, Jan, 2012  
Yeah good work Kekx.

I dont care where it is just that i know where to find the info about mtc,
and i think blog is a great place for mtc becouse its on top when it start
and everyone see it. but the comment should be at the mtc thread and
i think its supose to be like this. (y)

Btw: criticism is both good and bad to solving problems.
 Snip'thib writes ... 04, Jan, 2012  
I could not stay to say anything while reading your comments :(

It is unbelievable that you are always trying to criticize the slightest thing
Mx and moderators try to make life easier, to develop new things like blogs, new idea for the MTC here and you are still trying to criticize, and it is not only valid for the blogs!
You remind me of those people who criticize the themes of MTC every month when they do not even try!
None of you will have rather the idea of saying THANK YOU for all the time KEkx you going to find us new things for the MTC ? Lazy MX users :@

Kekx thank you for the time you spend to get organized all this;) (y) and gogogo fo next MTC 8-| Find one or two pages for information don't change anything, MTC was and is hosted on the forum

 Cipher»LT writes ... 04, Jan, 2012  
this is why i didn't like the idea of mx having a "blog" on it, why should i be forced to go search for the info i need on the mtc/msc in the blogs, when it should be posted on the front page where everyone can find it.
 Space writes ... 03, Jan, 2012  
so true. until someone said about this post in MTC forum, I wouldn't even think of searching for the info here.
 Cipher»LT writes ... 03, Jan, 2012  
... and you can't post this on the front page?
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