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We need to ask you all for donations
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Bucky says:
I'm perhaps there are cheaper solutions, but I don't know how much cheaper you can get for something that generates as much traffic as the TMX sites. Also, migration will probably cause a big headache.

I know that a migration isn't preferable, but I'm really afraid that when you need to rely on the users for paying this amount of money, TMX/MX will not exists anymore within a year. I had to deal with the same kind of situation some years ago, and we simply didn't get the required money. I'm still paying it out of my own pocket now, with sometimes some donations from the users of the site.
I don't think that you want that kind of situation, so therefore I'm asking about looking for alternatives so when it happens that users didn't donate enough money, it is still possible to keep it alive because it's less money you need to pay.

Maybe it's possible (or somebody else from TMX/MX) post some statistics e.g. datatraffic, unique users per day, server load, the specs from the server(s) (or maybe PM them)? I'm wondering what kind of server(s) you have for this amount of money, and maybe I can help you with a cheaper solution (only when you want that of course) ;)

Edit: maybe it's also possible to add some kind of progress bar for the donations (how much money you still need)? I think people would appreciate it :)

Edit 2: donated some money too, I'll look if I can send some more money by the end of this month.
Last edited by MisterTL,
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Location: NL
after i donated, i should be able to see the persons that download my tracks
but it re-direct me to the frontpage
THINK its not illegal yet
Location: BE
*Donator Rewards*
Green title :done:
See Download Numbers :done:
See who downloaded your track (subject to their privicy settings) :done:
Download lists (multiple tracks / replays at once) :wait:
Upload Larger tracks :done:
Place in MX Supporters list :done:
Upload larger screenie/wallpaper for a track (maybe)

We will try and work on these, until now there was no prioritisation for these features

We are looking into some cheaper hosting solutions. It won't mean we dont need to ask for donations, and there will naturally be a trade off between cost and performance/space/speed etc but we have to look at this, as I agree that 1500 Euro's every six months is going to be a problem for the future.
Last edited by Forzyy,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
SNIP - Never mind. I just donated.
Last edited by Phoenyx Imperius,
Rise from the ashes!
Location: US
uploading larger track/screenshot is already too far imho.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
Please,,, make a balance meter that you can have on the front page.
so we can see the balance and how far from the goal we are. ^^

How big is tmx/mx server in GB/TB. ?
and what is the traffic bandwith now. ?

Btw: i am only donate 1 - 3 euro, not sure yet.
I would donate more if i could. :$
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
I'm willing to donate like always but I had an idea to possibly raise some money in a fun way. I had a couple of little competitions on tracks in the past where I offered to donate to TMX for each person that beat the author times on those tracks and I'm willing to do it again, but I thought that perhaps there are others that would be willing to do the same. Perhaps the Supreme Beings (the Moderators) can brainstorm a way into making this a bigger event (more sponsors/ users willing to do the same). Sorry I have no time to help organize such an event myself and thought I would just throw an idea at you.
Last edited by s8ndm8n,
Space Cowboy
Location: US
Question about the donator-reward of seeing download numbers:
Does it mean you see the download numbers of your own tracks or from everyone elses tracks?
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Both, when that feature is added.
Site Leader
Location: US
target user: 12-16 yrs old (my guess) --> no paypal --> cellphone --> pay via cellphone --> profit.

if you keep asking kids to donate money in a way that they have to ask their parents to do it, you'll gain about 20% of the money you would have if only they could do all the stuff on their own.

    also, i'd put the blog feature only for donators.

    -max 5 downloads /day for unregistered users.
    -no replay download for unregistered users.
    -max 20 downloads /day for registered users.
    -no limits for donators.
    [donwloads = tracks and replays]

    max 1 track upload /day for non donators.

    insatall & play feature aviable only for donators.

it's about time you guys make it the hard way
Quad Bike Racer
Location: IT
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