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Allow replays on nadeo's tracks
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Same problem for me, I can't send replays where I tried and I tried at least from A01 to A05 but can't remember the rest D: So if you can delete my replays when it bugged too, I would appreciate it a lot.

Edit: Ok so here the maps I wasn't able to post: A01 to A06, A09, A13, B09, B10, B12, B14, B15, C01, C05, C06, C08, C10, C11, C14, C15, D01 to D04, D07, D08, D10, D11, D13, D14, D15, E01, E02 and E05 so more than the half. :s

In general the problem is that I already tried yesterday so can't today. But I have some other problems too. I can't post any autosaves, since I have some old replays and I didn't save my replay in the past And the last problem is that I have "Object reference not set to an instance of an object." or "Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_dbo.UserScores'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.UserScores'. The statement has been terminated." like yesterday for no reason.

Also nice that it works in general and thank you so much. :award:

Edit 2: Btw, what about putting the Stadium A maps ?
Last edited by 7Alvin,
Learner Driver
Location: CH
I was already able to upload some replays, about 20 I guess. On all other maps I got the "object reference.." error message, mostly on the maps Alvin mentioned in the post before.
Quad Bike Racer
Location: DE
Apparently, if our records are too old from an old version it doesn't work. Someone that I know has only old times and nothing worked.
Learner Driver
Location: CH
7Alvin says:
Apparently, if our records are too old from an old version it doesn't work. Someone that I know has only old times and nothing worked.

Beetle Racer
Location: SE
7Alvin says:
Edit 2: Btw, what about putting the Stadium A maps ?

Not until everything appears to be working as it should with the Canyon maps, as certain people will just try and upload a replay to every Stadium map regardless of whether they are getting errors and this can make the problem worse than it needed to be.

"Object reference not set to an instance of an object."
I got this yesterday, but not now, I just uploaded a sample replay on A01.
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
SPIDER says:
7Alvin says:
Apparently, if our records are too old from an old version it doesn't work. Someone that I know has only old times and nothing worked.


It works very well, thanks. I posted everything except D13 I lost my replay lmao and that's the only track I have WR unoffi and offi. x)
Learner Driver
Location: CH
Yep works for me as well. A bit annoying, but as long as it's working, I don't mind. :)
I hope there will be a lot of new replays soon (y)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: DE
7Alvin says:
Edit 2: Btw, what about putting the Stadium A maps ?

Those should probably wait until release, because lightmaps are likely to be updated.

I also wondered about the Canyon Platform maps. Shouldn't they be posted too?
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
Yeah, please add the Platform tracks as well (y)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: DE
Yep, the platform tracks will come shortly, and I tend to agree with Eyebo that it could be wiser to just wait until Stadium is out of beta before uploading any of that campaign.

I am not sure that MX does anything particular for platform mode (ie tmx used to apply a 10second penalty per CP reset used), but I don't suppose it matters too much.
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
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