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Track Project: 25 Builders - Status: Completed!
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I'll try to finish my part this weekend and, if it's not finished or close to finishing, I'll send it without lights :(
The Green Dude
Location: ES
Thanks for all the answers eyebo.

Putting the MT information for the names on every CP would be too much work for sure. I forgot about that.

I think a trailer shouldn't be longer than 2 min. (the shorter, the better). I wouldn't watch one longer than one minute.

The only name coming to my mind is pretty obvoius: (Track?)Megalo-Mania. I'm sure there will be better ones...

Btw: What exactly is the PCM? I only find information in french.

Beetle Racer
Location: DE
let's go mythological:
-trail of the titans
-road to olympus

also, builders' names looks better in the outro only, imho. ;)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: IT
Who is going to watch a 2 hours outro?

Bad memories with Gargantua:
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
is it really necessary to have the names displayed ingame? i mean, they're likely going to disturb the racer anyway: specially in a damn long track like this one where evey part is as tight as a 5x5 track-layout can be.
you can put them in a short intro or in the track comments.

i honestly prefer a better racing experience without annoying ingame text, than a fistful of nicknames popping out just to feed our ego.

but those are just my 2 cents :)
Quad Bike Racer
Location: IT
I really like seeing names ingame, so you know who made what part cause you will not remember from reading the description "hmm was Hans Holos part number 16 or 17..? And what part is this??.." Imo discreet names in faded white in the corner or something shouldnt be disturbing at all unless you have serious OCD :p Besides, the bridges between parts should be pretty action-free anyway?

I like how you're thinking with the mythological stuff but you forgot the best one, kraken!

so track name can be 'Unleash the Kraken' or simply 'Kraken'... or sth
Last edited by Tuta,
· · · – – – · · ·
Location: SE
Nice name suggestions so far! (y)

Hans Holo says:
I think a trailer shouldn't be longer than 2 min. (the shorter, the better). I wouldn't watch one longer than one minute.

I agree. Well, mine for 20:01 a coast odyssey was around 1:40, but the track had already been out a while and I wanted to include all those quotes. :p

Hans Holo says:
Btw: What exactly is the PCM? I only find information in french.

It's the successor to the CMC (Coppers Millions Cup) which is held in TrackMania United Forever.

The PMC (Planets Millions Cup) is held the third Thursday of every month. Four brand new tracks are played that are built specifically for that month's cup. The tracks are usually somewhere between 5 and 12 minutes long each. It's played in Rounds mode, and everyone has one round to set their best time. There's no practicing on the tracks beforehand. Everyone drives them untrained.

There's usually somewhere between 80 and 120 players that attend the PMC. You can see more stats on the PMC Rankings site.

The thing that is interesting about this cup is that everyone wins some planets. It's not just the top drivers. It's a competition that everyone can enjoy, no matter your skill level.

Many of the PMC maps have been posted to MX. Check this list.

Here was a video I did of everyone driving one of the maps during PMC02 in February.
Last edited by eyebo,
Site Leader
Location: US
name? 25 of my life.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
I would like to see the authors of each part mentioned somehow. Just a tiny MT-text somewhere down in the cornere would be fine for me. Signs at the entry of each part would be awesome, but might be too much work.

As for the trackname:
Olympus Mons (as it should be the biggest thing known today in the maniaplanet univers)
Nope (as it probably just won't be playable for some + you'll definitely have your "nope"-moments trying to get a good run)
Moped Racer
then Nööö.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
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