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#4 Screenshot competition: Santa wants a new car
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Marius such skill! Tell me what lightmaps you've used XD
ow wait you didn't make it yourself? and you do not even give credits to the one who made it?

naughty boy, santa won't come at your place this year :p
Moped Racer
Location: BE

I myself removed some text with black pencil :d
I thought I give Santa a smile. ;p
Moped Racer
tombuilder says:


Love the small edit on the Lamborghini logo :d
Moped Racer
Location: NO

Our internal voting is done! The elves finished their voting. So it's time to show you the results. The best submissions received 3 Candy!! :award:

Furthermore we distributed a random amount of planets to 3 random submissions
Additionally, a few prints of the screenshots have been bought by the elves for Planets, so we will forward those Planets to the creators of the screenshots. :award:

Enjoy your Candy and your Planets!

The whole Leaderboard can be found here.
gado is a
Location: DE
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