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Droppin' Time Planets Competition
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Droppin' Time Planets Competition  
Hello, ManiaExchange!

Today I bring to you a somewhat different planet competition. You'll be tasked with posting your best times on each valid MTC course; the player with the lowest cumulative time wins! Here's the rules:

1: Go here and download each valid MTC course.
2: Upload your best time to each course's page. You have until the map vote deadline (the end of April 30th PDT) to post your best times. Feel free to update your times before deadline!
3: After the deadline, I will add up the times of each driver to get the cumulative times. If you vote in the MTC, you get 1 second off your cumulative time for each MTC course (that's 10 seconds off).
4: The driver with the lowest total time is the winner!

Remember, you need a time on ALL valid MTC courses in order to be in the running for this competition! Oh yeah, before I forget, here's the fabulous prizes:

1st: 1,000 planets
2nd: 750 planets
3rd: 500 planets
4th: 250 planets
5th: 1 planet (you were close, son)

If you have any questions, feel free to ask. I've never hosted an event like this before, so I apologize if it's a bit rough. Now, go enjoy the maps and drop some sweet times!
MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
Seems like a good way to get some more activity on the tracks and more voters.
Location: DK
Good idea for some maps but ... some of them just don't even give me the envy to bother to finish them
Old Age Caravanner
but good idea
Skullgirlian Helper
Location: TH
There's only a couple days left to upload your replays and have a chance at winning! No one's eligible yet, but some of you are just a couple maps away from getting in; it would be a shame if those planets had nowhere to go. Remember, you need a time uploaded on all 10 maps, so make sure you haven't forgotten any!
MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
The results are in!  
The MTC voting period is over, and that means that the results of the Droppin' Time competition have been computed! While we only had two valid participants, they had very close times across most of the tracks. mtc | slither was the deciding course here, giving our winner their notable lead! And that driver is...

Eyohna, with a total time of 7:37.064, after factoring in the voting bonus.
Clearvision was not too far behind with a total time of 7:54.235.

Unfortunately, no one else managed to nab a time on all 10 courses. I've decided to take those 751 planets and evenly distribute them to our two winners, meaning Eyohna's earned 1,375 planets and Clearvision takes home 1,126 planets. You'll need to PM me your ManiaPlanet logins so I can get you those prizes.

Also of note, the next MTC is already underway! I've made changes to this competition's format and am giving it a second shot. Plus, you'll have the whole month to hunt the perfect times, which you'll likely need given the theme! Come on over, there's more planets to be earned: https://tm.mania-exchange.com/threads/4348/en-route-planets-competitions?page=1
MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
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