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scala says:
the above post about feedback got me thinking (up near bucky).
i have created this thread in an effort to get some.
experiment in track building feedback
a bit off topic but all for the lolz.

Well, that's the right attitude - if you see any problems with the system, think about what you can do to make it better. (y)

That's what I love at (T)MX. There are lots of different ways to become 'known' or 'famous', but you can also find new possibilities yourself.
Last edited by Sriver (TMS <3),
Quad Bike Racer
Location: DE
i have another idea the author pays planets + nadeo fee

1 3 planets if you beat the author
2 2 planet for gold replay and so on

or this system

3 3 planets for submit a wr (beat author)
4 2 planets for 2 - 5 place
5 1 planet for a submit

6 the award will come automatic if its a good track or fun :cool:
7 maybe a setup on the track what time to beat to get x planets its up to the mapper really...or not...
8 imo replay is fun to watch even if they are not the best time submit and more people will be happy to finaly see a replays/award ofc on there tracks that they worked hard on
so if you play alot of tracks you got alot of planets ^^ and we love planets don´t we ^^
and add a planet icon to show the tracks with "get planet tracks" (so you have a choice you see so all can submit tracks

the more tracks you play the more planet you get seems fair

i can pay planets for people to play my tracks for sure and i think more are willing to pay planets becouse they are free and you get alot by playing online and official race plus more

all is about give and take :d

over & out SPIDER :d
Last edited by SPIDER,
Beetle Racer
Location: SE
642 views of this thread as i write. the interest is here in the community. why isnt it here in the TMX?
Old Age Caravanner
SPIDER says:
maybe when we award we can rate it by select 1 - 5

1 nothing speciel but still worth an award
2 good
3 awesome
4 fantastic (l)
5 amazing :o
dont take the text to serious its just example to show what i mean
but the rating per award is not showing just the overall rating
rating: 4.5 by 34 :award:

so one track has 3 in rating with 22 award
and another got 3 award and the raiting is 5 and it means this track is underrated try it and is highest in best of the week

this or maybe this

or 2 seperate windows one for rating and another for best of the week

Something like this is already in planning, its just about getting it done, but I start to become like nadeo and not want to promise things incase they dont happen.
Surely Retired
Location: GB
@Spider: I don't think authors should have to pay to release their tracks. If your system dictates that authors who don't pay when they upload don't give users rewards, then the guys who have a lot of planets will benefit from the system, creating bias because drivers will gravitate towards tracks with higher payouts.

@scala: of 642 views, how many are from the same dozen or so guys? View count is no way to measure the opinions of the masses.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
Please don't make this a discussion about rating systems.
This is all about awards, and we need to complain and say they suck and are really bad lolol

OK maybe not that last part, but seriously, I still don't feel anybody understand the concept of awards. Or rather, it's way to misunderstood among the other users of T/MX. New people who come here wouldn't instantly recognize the function of an award, and I think that's where the problem starts. We should make it clearer for people, and make a more widely accepted definition that most everybody can agree upon.

To me, awards are only made to give people feedback. In fact, that's the reason why you need to write before giving an award. If it were meant as a rating system, it's (one of) the worst rating system(s) ever made, because you can't have a system that wants people do two different things (rate and give feedback) at the same time. They would have to be separate, because they do not work very well together.
Thus, awards are only meant to bring feedback.

That's just my thoughts, and I do not believe I am 100% right.
G-kart Racer
Location: NO
if i designed a fork and you used it as a knife where does the fault lay?
is it the designers fault that his folk isnt instantly recognisable as a fork?
is it the users fault for not recognising it as a fork?

now add lots of people into the equation.
you still only have the one designer but lots of users.

if everyone uses the fork as a fork, the designer is right
if only one person uses the fork as a knife and the rest dont then you could suggest that that one user is an idiot.
if a majority of the users use the fork as a knife the design is wrong.

and i think MrA has just nicely helped bring this thread to a close. thankyou for confirming that TMX are aware of the issues and are doing something about it.

you other MODs take note that the forum isnt about the fight but about listening to the communities opinion and been constructive, not obstructive.

Old Age Caravanner
I don't appreciate being called obstructive.

I try to see how ideas would work with what I know about the tendencies of the userbase.

And the fork thing. All it takes is one user to set an example for the rest. People are more easily led than you may think, so what starts as one user's misunderstanding is not grounds for the invalidation of an entire system.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
The main problem is that T/MX is not dynamic, and most people are too conservative to be willing to adapt to changes.

I give up.
G-kart Racer
Location: NO
about the rating system suggested a few posts above:
i don't quite understand what this system is supposed to tell about the track.
how does it help to see that from those users who like the track, x % like it very much, y % find it quite ok and z % think it's just 'good enough' for an award? :s
also, if those z % did not award the track (which obviously shouldn't affect the rating in a positive way), it would actually get a higher overall rating!

in contrary, a track that is more appreciated by the community always gets more awards than a track that isn't. this is, of course, how such a system is supposed to work.

so, you should really refrain from introducing that rating system described above.
if it's impossible to make people understand how the award system works and what it tells about a track, just abolish the award system completely, and we'll stick to comments as the only way to give feedback.
those ones who feel the need to rate a track by numbers would still be able to do that within their comments, just like some people do in their awards.
Last edited by Sriver (TMS <3),
Quad Bike Racer
Location: DE
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