Another Speed-Fun track I've build recently in order to get back into stadium track building. It's a fast-ish track which requires controll over acceleration and drifing. Those wide drifts lend the track a kind of Canyon-y feel.
The idea for the track came back when SchlitzerK asked me to test his first track
is possible. He had a little drop after a loop which didn't work and while trying to test if I can rescue his idea while keeping it as close to his track as possible I ran in all kinds of space related problems. So decided to build a track based on this little jump into a sloped drift after a loop. The only similarities with SchlitzerKs track left are a wall and a loop and even they were raised higher and moved laterally.
Update 2021.09.14: Locators to the old Linkin signs didn't work. Updated map with my own sign-pack instead. UID, recs, dedis should be unaffected.
Big thanks for betatesting and feedback