12 May, 2012 (Ver1.1) : I fixed the potential of cut. Sorry for online records and replays. The replay of the old version is not longer. If you would like to send the replay, please download the current version and try it.
Intro, Outro
diving, falling, violently up and downs, roller coasters, sharp turns, a dotted line, a difficult stunt, etc…
Somewhat long.
I 'm glad if you liked this map.
(Now, my dumb poor English is unlimited as possible.
Thank you for your award, md!
Thank you for your award, SLAYER!
Thank you for your award, Kruemelyeti!
Thank you for your award, Stickybert!
Thank you for your award, Virus!
Thank you for your award, Zooty!
Thank you for your award, Petrcermak!