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 VELPCanyon 17 - Fast and Smooth

by  Velp  |  0
AT   00:22.683 |  Stadium / StadiumCar   |   Beginner 
ID  230717 
  LOL SpeedFun    
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 Embedded objects20 Objects
Object IX? Object author
Grass.Item.Gbx stupskiesel.nc
Item02.Item.Gbx Not2Shaggy
Item03-mirror.Item.Gbx snuja
Item03.Item.Gbx Not2Shaggy
Item04-mirror.Item.Gbx snuja
Item04.Item.Gbx Not2Shaggy
Item05.Item.Gbx Not2Shaggy
Item28-mirror.Item.Gbx snuja
Item12.Item.Gbx Not2Shaggy
Item13.Item.Gbx Not2Shaggy
Item02-mirror.Item (1).Gbx snuja
Item03.Item.Gbx Not2Shaggy
Item19.Item.Gbx snuja
Item20.Item.Gbx snuja
Item06.Item.Gbx Not2Shaggy
Item07.Item.Gbx Not2Shaggy
Item08.Item.Gbx Not2Shaggy
Item09.Item.Gbx Not2Shaggy
Item10.Item.Gbx Not2Shaggy
Item11.Item.Gbx Not2Shaggy
 14 / 20 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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VelpCanyon Maps  Velp 42
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Rated 4.04 stars by 47 players.
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