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 TMT DS R - Blue Midnight Drive

by  Dogestar™ Smurf  |  10
It's a start
AT   00:38.062 |  Island / IslandCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  248042 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   00:36.692  visionairetimer 10 (100%)
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 Author Comments
Hey ManiaExchange!

It's been a month since my last track so here is a Island Track to start a new series:
Trackmania Turbo DS Reloaded!
where I make Remake Some sections of the Offcial TMT DS tracks (and mine) with newly made sections mixed in between and turned into a track.

This is the first out the series with many more coming to 4 other environments: Stadium, TMOne Alpine, Valley, (with coastcar) and TMOne Speed

There's 2 track references in the track, 2 of them are able to noticed easily if you played TMT DS before. If you find out the tracks the reference are from you can win up to 1100 Planets

Reference 1: 500 Planets

Refrence 2: 600 Planets

Deadline: Nov 1. 2:00 pm EST

contest closed

Track info:
Length: 38s :done:
High scenery :done:
GPS :done:
MT :done:
Music | Island (TMT DS)
Building time: 30 hours (manly doing the scenery)
Display Cost: ≈ 6000 :build:

Goodluck hunting and Have fun! :)

- DS

 Embedded objects27 Objects
Object IX? Object author
S-LBlue.Item.gbx xrayjay
S-LGreen.Item.gbx xrayjay
S-LOra.Item.gbx xrayjay
S-LYel.Item.gbx xrayjay
S-ArrowB.Item.gbx xrayjay
S-Pillar7.Item.gbx xrayjay
drone1_#1.Item.gbx Skyslide
Big Spinning Blade.Item.Gbx Eternity
Heli Magnet.Item.Gbx Eternity
Heli.Item.Gbx Eternity
Small Spinning Blade.Item.Gbx Eternity
PanelLeft.Item.Gbx Deska
PanelRight.Item.Gbx Deska
PlatformTurn2B.Item.gbx dogestar_tm
Item2.Item.Gbx dogestar_tm
SL01green.Item.gbx SCR
SL01orange.Item.gbx SCR
SL01white.Item.gbx SCR
SPS05.Item.gbx SCR
SPSS03.Item.gbx SCR
StadiumDecoTowerCore6Blue1.Block.Gbx test2013pirelli_die_schnelli
StadiumDecoTowerCore6Glass.Block.Gbx test2013pirelli_die_schnelli
ZZZZ_StadiumSignCoversIcon.Item.Gbx Rexasaurus
SmallPillar.Item.Gbx luk-t-obk
StadiumCircuitBuilding1.Block.Gbx Skeleton
StadiumCircuitBuilding2.Block.Gbx Skeleton
StadiumCircuitBuilding3.Block.Gbx Skeleton
 19 / 27 items are available on IX View on ItemExchange
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Rated 3.67 stars by 3 players.
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