Hi MX!
After some experimental tracks it was time for a serious track again. I made a Speed Drift this time (can't really call it Tech). Apart from the dirt slide at the start there are 3 drifts: a 270° GP drift, a 180° GP banked drift and a 180° platform drift. So it's only a matter of getting those 3 right to get a good time. Gl&Hf!
Ps. First I made a FxCameraMap like you see in the screenie but then I found out you can't use a locator for it (d'oh!) so I decided to leave it out and replaced the picture with ingame text but the intro looks pretty crap now.
You can still see the CameraMap in the video btw.
Track info:
-Style: Speed Drift
-Author time: 48:42
-Mood: Day
-Building time: 10 days
Thanks list:
Thankz! DeFacer
Big cheers m8 I really appreciate it!
Btw the mt text was a bitch indeed.
Thankz! Nimrod
Great cheers!
Thankz! RxeroX
Yea once you find the best line then you will see the flow
I tried to make this track varied and your words say I succeeded.
Thankz! DrZuckerbrot
I knew someone would fancy those babes.
Thankz! ripbox
Cheers m8. But what u need a loop for if you have babes?
Thankz! Wofty
Humble thanks.
Thankz! poOTinio
Yooo poOt!! Good to see ya around here!
And glad you like it.
Thankz! ninjadrybones35
Great words thanks.
Thankz! LuckyStriker
Thankz! oxidize
Thankz! 2bfree
Thankz! smok3y
Hehe thats the power of minimalism for ya. But be careful with your nose!
Cheers m8
Thankz! fluffski
Glad you had fun!
Thankz! Jet777
Cheers mate!
Thankz! hong
And I am impressed by your award
Thankz! GeorgeFeb
Thankz! Rochade
I think that means 'drift or die' in english (hmm could be a good track name). Danke schön!
Thankz! Vitality
Ty for very kind words! Glad u like the corner.
Thankz! cicero
Cheerz for sexy award!
Thankz! Blacer
Thankz! xavear
Thankz! DeMeNs
Thankz! stevenamtaan
Thankz! RatedR
Thankz! OLDA_X
That means alot Olda thanks
Thankz! Doctore
Thankz! movo
Thankz! SkunkY
You hit the nail on the head. I also like to see more easy tracks online.
Thankz! stoney
Thankz! Hans Holo
Thankz! Ersatz
Thankz! pitstep
Cheers pit!
Thankz! enemymine70
Thankz! massa
Thankz! Jonkster
Thankz! ZopUH
Good to hear it works well in rounds
Thankz! greuh_zbug
Thankz! nibor
Thankz! eyebo
One step beyond!
Thankz! ohei2
Cheers m8
Thankz! kata78
Thankz! c2
Thankz! DaCheCker
Cheers m8
Thankz! Alexony
Thankz! eckmeck
Thankz! Space
Thankz! RachoVolker!
Thankz! mickeysantos
Thankz! Nesrally
Thankz! tigerpiers
Brilliant award!
Thankz! Sanscript
Thankz! occam
Thankz! diplo
Thankz! Deng
Ty lots
Thankz! Sayo
Thankz! Mr.DVD
Thankz! .Lo«
Thankz! Graywolf
Thankz! ToSop
Thankz! sbone
Np cheers mate!
Thankz! xp-rabit 2
Thankz! stealthswor
Thankz! mees_calin
Thankz! kruemelyeti
Thankz! Opsic