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 Styles Of A New Era^

by  FT»Velocity  |  0
It's a start
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AT   00:36.200 |  Stadium / StadiumCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  45266 
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 Author Comments
Record: 35:20 - B1ts

~Hey Guys,

~Well, Today i present to you my first track in aggeeessss. It is a technical track and i am going to consider it my best. It has combinations off jumps, slide and speed. The reason it has taken me so long to make a new track is simply because of a lack of motivation for the past few months. I have still been active in the TMX Community making screenies etc. I had a angle fail on this map when making a screenie though sadly. I'm also not to keen on the text but o well it will have to do.
~Without further ado, some info:

~The Track:
Name: Styles Of A New Era.
Style: Speed Tech
Length: 35 - 36
AT: 36.20
Env: Stadium :d
Difficulty: Medium

~MT Info:
Intro: Small one yes
In-Game: GPS Only
Outro: Only FX Colours

~Video By Nemesis


[url="http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main.aspx?action=usershow&id=3024#auto"]TimeBreaker[/url]: For helping me improve the track so much.
[url="http://tmnforever.tm-exchange.com/main.aspx?action=usershow&id=5192#auto"]PeteyPablo7[/url]: For Beta Testing

~Larger Screenie:

[url="http://img693.imageshack.us/img693/9683/stylesofanewera2.jpg"]1920 x 1440! [/url]

~Showcase by TimeBreaker:

~Happy tracking and have a great new year!
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