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 MTC - Silent Echoes

by  Arkive  |  11
MTC 1st Place
It's a start
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AT   01:07.512 |  Canyon / CanyonCar   |   Intermediate 
ID  177018 
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# Record User Score Date
1st   01:04.535  Lars 11 (100%)
2nd   01:51.145  vdgzr 10.56 (96%)
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 Author Comments
The Asylum is a cursed place. Those who tread its halls may wander for eternity.

It's spooking time again, and with that comes a spooking map! This was built for the October 2019 MTC, in which builders were tasked with building a suspensful map. I went with a more overarching spooky theme, but hopefully the eerie atmosphere presented makes for plenty of suspense itself!

As I tend to do a bit too often, I found myself finishing this map quite close to the deadline. It was a bit too close for comfort, if you ask me, but that's on me for not building earlier. Regardless, it's out now! And with it comes some fun surprises.

This map is technically a sequel to a previous MTC map, MTC - Dementium. This one is fairly different, and you don't need to play the first to play this one. Silent Echoes features multiple routes to get lost in. There's three main ones, and they like to have hidden paths that branch between each other. Linked checkpoints came in handy here! Unfortunately, this does mean that the overall route quality isn't quite as high as I'd like each to be. I wouldn't recommend hunting for a good time. I was aiming primarily for atmosphere here; I thought it was a worthy tradeoff.

- High quality shadows!
- Intro, in-game, and podium sequences!
- 19763 coppers of scenery!
- Some spooky shenanigans!
- Custom music from Celeste!
- Thematic rooms!

Good luck and have fun!

Unfortunately, I don't have screenshots or a YouTube preview ready right now. I'll try to get those ready sooner rather than later. Maybe.
 Embedded objects9 Objects
Object IX? Object author
C_Transition_R31.Item.gbx Dag@bert
arenaFalseStart.Item.Gbx arkive86
arenaWallrideNoCollide.Block.Gbx arkive86
caveCPTeleport.Block.Gbx arkive86
fakeTerrain.Block.Gbx arkive86
invisibleBlock.Item.Gbx arkive86
smallStraightTerrainFake.Block.Gbx arkive86
void.Block.Gbx arkive86
platformTunnelRoadOnly.Item.Gbx arkive86
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