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Banner invisible
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Banner invisible  
I can't seem to see the top banner, just a very large white square reaching almost till the end of my screen.
Is it a problem with adblock maybe ? since I had this problem also on tmx, however, strangely enough only on the united tmx.
Last edited by ManiaMaster,
Learner Driver
Can you take a screenshot please? :)
Deep fried
Location: AU
here you go. I actually had to take 2, it's that big.

Learner Driver
bump. It still isn't fixed.
Learner Driver
Cannot reproduce in either Firefox or Chrome on Windows and Mac, both with ABP installed and active.
Deep fried
Location: AU

ManiaMaster says:
IIs it a problem with adblock maybe ?

If it is then wouldnt you be able to prove that by removing / disabling ad-bloc and loading the page?

Also, if it existed in TMX, then it may not be a MX bug, as MX is a new project. How many other pages/sites do you have problems with? ^^

it be worth you clearing all your temporary interent files (cache) and force reload the page, if it can somehow be possible that your download of the banner got interrupted but your browser doesnt think so.
Last edited by MrA,
Surely Retired
Location: GB
ok, this was happening to me as well, on firefox with adblock.
i thought there was no banner at first, but i went on MX on my ipod and i saw the banner.
so i cleared cache, cookies, etc, on firefox, no luck.

turns out it was adblock disabling the banner from loading.
simple fix: disable adblock on MX

G-kart Racer
Location: AU
Having AB+ on Chrome and I cannot reduplicate this either
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
happened for me yesterday too, when I was trying to change banner to 1x1 white .gif with greasemonkey script. when I changed it to 900x1 image, it was ok. getting this bug only on chrome, on firefox it's fine with both 1x1 and 900x1.
Zimmer Racer
Location: LT
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