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Boost tracks for more attention
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Boost tracks for more attention  
While i was reading good old award discussion an idea came up to my mind so i better write it in here maybe you find it useful.
This is still abstract concept that i think could be nice addition to this site.

Mappers could earn boost points when they receive awards and then use that boost points to boost other people track they like. Those boosted tracks maybe could go in showcase or some special section dedicated to boosted tracks.
Boosting could have few rules like:

-Lets say each award earns you 1 boost point and for showcase boost you need 10 points.

-When you boost track you must specify reason why you boosted that track and that will be displayed together with track in showcase and boosters name.

-1 track boost should give track lets say 5 days of showcase on main page.

-you can only boost 1 track at the time

-max number of boosted track per day could be 3, so if limit is reached you must wait for free boost slot.

What do you think?
Old Age Caravanner
Location: RS
I thought about the posibility to 'boost' tracks aswell, but I would combine it with the ever increasing desire for feedback.

IF we want a 'boost' system, I would give out boost points for feedback on other tracks. If someone writes constructive feedback on one of my tracks (either comments or awards), I can 'award' him a boost point back which he can use for either his own or any other tracks to get recognition (time on FP, Showcases whatever)
This would give ppl an incentive to write good feedback on many tracks while it also helps to get more exposure for those that put the effort into it.
Moped Racer
Cool idea, but different envis / styles get different amount of awards. I haven't seen an offroad stadium or normal tech map that isn't four hours long or a competition map in the botw. Additionally you can break the system just by uploading trash maps & your friends award them.
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
fredair.esu says:
Additionally you can break the system just by uploading trash maps & your friends award them.

Which you could do now with the current system anyways ;)
Moped Racer
fredair.esu says:
Additionally you can break the system just by uploading trash maps & your friends award them.

Always nearly half of the maps in every BOTW, if not more..
Last edited by Kamakaze,
Moped Racer
Location: AU
It's always been that way, unfortunately.

Not exclusive to this website or trackmania, for that matter.

The way I got attention back in TMO days was very hamfisted (and I don't recommend it, because I was 13 at the time). All I did was hound people to play my maps online, and hounded them even further to award them if they enjoyed the maps lol. If you ever see popgun, faith, or pitstep (god knows where these people are now), they can tell you all about it. Once I had that first map in the BOTW, then attention came easily from that point forward, and I could just focus on getting better.

That said, some much more talented mappers than myself got attention merely by uploading maps and nothing more (panis and knuckles. come to mind).

Thankfully because a lot less people play the game now, there's a lot less competition, so it's a lot easier to get attention than it was probably a few years ago. You would have to be genuinely amazing and very consistent (e.g. winter and freak) if you wanted to get attention back then.

Best of luck to you.
Last edited by irondragons,
Moped Racer
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