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Arkive's Collection of Tracks or Something
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This latest course is a spiritual successor to MTC - Roads Less Travelled. Like its predecessor, this is a four-minute endurance drive.

MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
In recent news, four of my KO maps were officially released or retired. Two are really old, and two were made after the MP4 update. You're free to give any of them a try.

MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
Created in under 3 hours and powered by OpenPlanet hype, have a ValleyCar on Stadium map!

MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
I made this map during the TMOne Speed beta. It's quick and easy, but shouldn't be boring!

MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
I have now released the other TMOne Speed beta map I made! This one comes with far less respect for the items than before.

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MTC Host
Location: US
After making a quick example of what's considered okay in the November 2018 MTC, I figured I'd clean up the map and actually release it.

MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
TMOne Speed is now using TMU physics! Here's a quick map I made with them:

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MTC Host
Location: US
Looks like it's Speed season...

MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
It's been like 3 months but I've finally finished up another map! It's CoastCar on Lagoon, and there's even optional medal ghosts (if you're willing to download a file).

MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
I've hosted a couple a few months back and I've popped in as a judge recently, but it's about time I actually built another MTC map.

Last edited by Arkive,
MTC Host
MTC Host
Location: US
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