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Does updating a track file affect the dedi records?
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Does updating a track file affect the dedi records?  
Edited for clarity.....
If I make a minor change (like updating the host link inside my mod's loc file) in a map, can I update the track file in MX without causing the dedi records associated with that map to be deleted, and without causing any other negative effects to the dedi system (like preventing updates of new scores)?

When I look at the Author options/Update/Track File page, it says "all replays will be removed". If that only means that the offline replays that players have uploaded will be deleted, that's okay. There aren't many. But I DEFINITELY don't want to make players' dedi scores on the map disappear, or keep score updates from happening.

Thank you,
Last edited by Jeff8o8,
Learner Driver
I believe that if you change a map and re-save it the internal UID will change so it will look like a new map to the dedimania system.
You could double-check with the dedimania dudes over on their forum to confirm, though: http://dedimania.net/SITE/forum/index.php
Last edited by banjee»UD,
Beetle Racer
Location: US
I'll probably do that, or maybe I'll go ahead and do it on one of my maps and see what happens. I'll post back to this thread whatever I find out. Thank you for the reply banjee.
Learner Driver
Hey Jeff808,

an easy way to check before uploading anything:

Simply open the previous and the new map file in the Editor (simple text editor). In the first few lines there should be a uid="jfxd78szd7zs7d" entry. If this is the same on both, the records should stay the same.
site development, media
Location: DE
That uid info was very helpful. And I actually took my test a step further and changed the mod name and loc link completely, edited the intro vid, and added an ambient (fog removal) track in the MT, and I still got the same uid number.

Maybe if none of your changes are major enough to require that you re-validate your track, your uid will stay the same. I don't know. But either way, I'll always check the uid before updating a track file in MX.

I deleted the original track file from my little test server and uploaded the new one. (The MX# had also stayed the same.) The corrected mod works fine now, and the dedi scores are still there.

Thanks again very much for the help, Banjee and Ozon.
Learner Driver
Yeah, I think you are right. As long as you keep the same validation the UID should be the same.
Beetle Racer
Location: US
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