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[FIXED]Track updating Failed
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[FIXED]Track updating Failed  
I've just uploaded 2 tracks, under the title of There and Back, one being 3 laps and one being a 1 lap server friendly edition, now I uploaded the 3 lap edition first. then uploaded the 1 lap one. now on both my tracks i intend to link the 2 together so if you download the 3 lap one you could also download the 1 lap one.

Now on the 1 Lap version i was able to link to the 3 lap version because of it already being uploaded, but when i came to edit the details of the 3 lap version to link to the 1 lap. All supposedly went well when i inserted the hyperlink and pressed continue, except. when i got redirected back to the track page, the text stayed the same, no hyperlink. nothing. I then tried to make some minor formatting adjustments to the 1 lap version, and the same happened, it said it was a success although the opposite was true when i got redirected.

So, I don't know if it's a sever bug, a bug in the code or if my cache has somehow messed up and isn't showing the updated page. but i thought it's worth mentioning anyhow.

Kind Regards
Kevin "Solon001" Morris

P.S. Also a little suggestion, the track that i'm referring to is a collaboration project between me and my brother. I would like it to be possible to add multiple authors to tracks that way we don't have to add the same track into two profiles at the same time, that just takes up space. I'd like him to get credit for the track too other than just linking to his profile in the description if you get me. Anyway thanks for advance for the help.
Last edited by Forzyy,
Learner Driver
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