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Award list, pages when browsing
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Award list, pages when browsing  
When I try to browse my or somebody else's given awards, I can not scroll pages. This is new, must be some recent change that messed this up.

At the bottom, I only have the search interface, but not these little numbers to go to page nr.X ( you know, the little links, 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-last )
Old Age Caravanner
Does anyone know anything here ?

It must be a bug caused by recent changes, unless it is intentional. I can not imagine a reason to make this intentional, though.

At least a aknowledgement of the problem would be nice.

Or am I the only one with this problem ?
Old Age Caravanner
It's not intentional.

You're not the only one with this problem; I see it too.

According to this thread it's spans more than a user's awards.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
Thanks Bucky.

Hope you find out what cause it :)
Old Age Caravanner
Well, it's not on me to find out. It's up to our coder, Forzyy.
Sports Saloon Racer
Location: US
Could whoever is doing the coding please make this a priority ?

I need to have some possibility to check if my favourite authors have made new tracks. Since we dont have this function as we had in TMU-xchange ( i hope we still get this, please ! ), I had to go trough all my awards manualy and check every author. Now, I can not even do that any more because I can not browse my awards.

Please, fix this. Help me make a good server with good tracks. As it is atm, all I can do is check tracks out randomly.
Old Age Caravanner
Here's a temporary fix: add "&page=2" to the URL to go to the next page.
G-kart Racer
Location: US
Seems it got fixed :d Thanks a ton :d
Old Age Caravanner
Haha. I haven't touched a thing. :p
Deep fried
Location: AU
Haha nice ^^ But the page numbers are showng up for me again. No idea what happened :d

Coding seems more and more mysterious :p
Old Age Caravanner
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