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Work in Progress - your feedback please
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Work in Progress - your feedback please  

I just started a new track ...
It is like a Roller Coaster, first you climb up the track and then you have to rush down.

you can choose one of two ways to drive down the track ...
I want the right one to be the quicker one ... for me it seems the right one is the quicker one, you agree?
The left one is not smooth enough in my opinion ... but it should not be to much longer, and ofcourse not shorter (in time)

I would love it to be finished under 40 seconds, you think that is possible? (without changes)
I am not a to skilled driver at all :s

so here is the track, would love to hear your opinion and suggestions :d
Last edited by omega79,
Learner Driver
Feedback from STICKY!!! ;)  
[Bad Track/Map Link]

So where to start? Well lets start at the start :d

  • I like the beginning with the jump over the podium. But there was no sign telling me it's a "chicane" jump. Although you can see that the other piece of track is the other way around (if you know what I mean), I didn't expect it and didn't see it. So I ended up smacking my car against the wall a few times. It's not a bad thing just a sign might be a good idea, either in MT (mediatracker) text or an actual sign that doesn't matter. (use the standard signs or custom sign packs which can be found here and here, ...)

  • The next jump is hard to look at. You smack your car down onto the sloped platform piece. That could be a little smoother. You can try making a "slope to slope" jump (not a "going flat to slope" like it is now) or a change the landing so it's smoother. I like the idea it's just the landing that hurts looking at it everytime.

  • The use of multiple routes is a great idea! I loved it and it's almost completely the same time for both routes. What I didn't like at first was the route to the left, where the first downwards turn was I flew over the railing. I wasn't paying to much attention because I was confused with the multiple routes at first ("Did I go the right way?" Am I coming back around for the other route?) But the second time I stuck the turn. It was quite close to lift off and hitting the wall but I made it. It's not a fullspeed map so it's not really something to worry about, but I'm giving you my view anyway. Just something to keep in mind. (just played the map again) The reason why you smack against the wall is because you have to much speed. The other route has the same turn but it has a turn before that which makes you slow down first and the need to slow down even more is not necessary.

  • The rest of the track is fun, a lot of different turns, no drift turn and drift turn, fun to drive.

  • I really love the ending of the right multiple route. Jumping onto the lower track is awesome, Love it keep it in! (although the first time I landed next to the track below, just bad driving I guess)

  • The very last piece is where you drive/jump over the podium to the finish. It's tricky, tight and can be frustrating. But even if you take it to far to one side, you put 3 finishes there to make sure you don't have to drive al the way to the middle finish again. Good thinking. Still I might try and change it, maybe turn the podium around? or do you fly against it at the start?

  • To be fair I like the right (or top) route the most. Although the left (or bottom one) has a nice drift turn aswell. though choice.

  • Try to give it a rollercoaster feel by using some scenery. Maybe try and build a building or something, you know make it pleasant to drive but also pleasing to the eye.

    So far I liked the ideas and the track. It needs some signs! And if you put in a small effort of some MT work, small intro change, maybe some ingame MT work like "Goodluck!" or "Thanks for driving" and a few changes for the outro/replay I would be glad to give you an award.
    The MT work is optional. But I really love authors that make an effort in using it. Even if it's not the prettiest thing, you gave it a try and next time you might do a little bit more and try something new.

    If there is stuff about my feedback you don't understand, just ask and I'll try to explain it in an other way (maybe more visual :p)
    I hope you are glad with the feedback, just trying to help you out.


    I almost forgot, give this topic a read Advice on Track building
    Last edited by Sticky,
  • Feels gooood!
    Location: BE
    thank oyu  
    Thank you for your feedback :d
    It is really productive and well written ... :d

    so lets start with my feedback feedback :p

    1. I thought after like 2 jumps into the wall people know they had to go slightly left
    BUT you are right, with a mediatracker advice it might be simpler ... will add this for sure!

    2. I tryed but somehow did not manage to make it more smooth ... somehow the flight path
    seems not to fit easy into the track and blocks ... without adding to much seconds (i want it as quick as possible)
    but i will look into that again!

    3. Thanx :d the multiple routes came "by accident" just played around with blocks :d
    after that idea established in the track i thought it would be cool to make the right route
    quicker than the left one ... just to break the line of the driver ...

    the idea (for the left route) to slow the driver down with a turn or something like that is a very good one ... will try that!
    cuz i have the same feeling ... this part is just to far from beeing smooth

    4. Thanx again :d

    5. well that was a long way to this ending of the route ... but i had to move them together to add one more checkpoint ...
    else it would have been faster to pass the checkpoint at the top of the track and turn around to the finish
    and this "drop" seemed to be the coolest and most logic way ... but its not easy to have a drop that drops you
    almost automaticly on the other track (in this configuration) ... this is the best way to do it without adding to much seconds
    even if its not perfect i guess with a sign or a mediatracker it is well possible to drive

    6. turning the podium is a good option ... will try that :d
    but to be honest I never flew over the podium to finish ... i drove to the left finish .. almost a straight line from track to finish

    7. the right one is supposed to be the right one ;)

    8. yes sure will add more scenery and maybe some MT

    I like the MT but since TMN i havent used it ... but in my TMN tracks I always used MT and I guess I was not to bad with it

    and thanks for the link to the trackbuilding thread ... i did read this already ... som advices there are good some are not ...
    for example I think it is more hard to build a 20 seconds track than a 1 minute track ... it is not easy to pack fun in 20 seconds
    Learner Driver
    okay i made an update ...

    for me the track feels more smooth now ...
    but still the 2nd jumps is not really smooth ... but i tryed .. not easy

    the rest is much better imho ...
    Learner Driver
    Creative feedback :D  
    Hey hey,

    I gave your update a try, eeeuhm, I don't really like the new start. To bumpy and to much room for error and crashing. But that's why I tried some stuff out myself :p Don't ask my how I did it but I made a screenshot of my start tryouts for you. I hope you like it.

    Link to picture
    Link to my test track

    Number 1 and 2 are your versions of the start. The first was offcourse your first idea and the second your latest.

    These are my ideas building upon your previous ideas and trying not to change the placement of the rest of the track. (otherwise you would have to build everything again or cut and paste and stuff, it's just allot of work :p)

    Number 3 is good, but not the best and smoothest of them. Still one you should tryout yourself

    Number 4 was just a small change to your latest version. Instead of a "going flat" piece of road like yours was I took a sloped version. It make a slight difference. (that's what I meant with the "sloped to sloped" in my previous feedbqck)

    Number 5 is my absolute favourite. It's harder to aim and get correctly but it's smooth. Well it's to the very edge of smooth and unsmooth. I haven't jumped to far and I don't know if it is possible but I definitely recommend this one. An other perk is that you see that piece from the start and that gets you thinking even before you start. That's what I think anyway.

    I'd say give them all a try and pick the one you feel is best suited for the track. You might even go back to the first one, it's up to you and I won't blame you if you don't pick one of my ideas. It's your track so your choices and you have to make a track you feel happy about.

    The rest of the track is good and fun. I like the change in the lower/left track. And I really like the signs!

    I'll speak to you soon!

    omega79 says:
    for example I think it is more hard to build a 20 seconds track than a 1 minute track ... it is not easy to pack fun in 20 seconds

    That is true.
    Last edited by Sticky,
    Feels gooood!
    Location: BE
    thank you very much ... I really appreciate your feedback :)

    but well i used the copy and paste tool ...

    so a couple of changes did happen ... hope you like it, i feel pretty comfortable with it
    Learner Driver
    And I'm glad you did use the copy & paste tool :p

    I like the start! Fun fun fun.
    You changed the sloped platform and it's fun. The first time I went to wide because I didn't see that coming and crashed horribly against the side wall. But I stood my ground and owned the turn on my next run :d
    The left track I don't like so much. The first sharp turn to the right is painfull. I ended up going way to fast and literally flying into the wall of the corner. I could slow down but still it's a tricky corner with it's short 90 degrees. Not so much a fan.
    Still the track to the right is amazing I really love it.

    The overall fun factor of the track gets higher when you race it over and over again. And I ended up trying to beat your time and then trying to beat my own time, but taking the other route each time :p I loved it.
    The chicane at the end is tricky to spot. Sometimes I don't see it coming and faceplant my car into the wall. But that's just me :cool:

    I like it so far, have a look at my replay :p

    Feels gooood!
    Location: BE
    did some more changes also added some sourrounding beauty ;)

    i changed the 2nd red turbo to a yellow one again, i used the red one just to prevent a cut ...
    but thanks to blockmixing i was able to fix the cut ... you think it was better with the red turbo?

    i feel the beginn of each of the two routes is more smooth with the yellow turbo

    for me the only thing what is little annoying is the flicker around the podium .. where i mixed
    some platforms in ...

    so just let me know what you think :d

    btw ... will do some MT for sure ... but not today ;)
    Learner Driver
    I like it.

    the flickering around the podium is sort of annoying, why change it? I liked the tricky off-road.
    The scenery is nice. Overall it is a nice online hunter :d

    Good you changed the 90 degree turn, its better :)

    Looking forward to racing it when it's finished.
    Feels gooood!
    Location: BE
    here is the final version
    Learner Driver
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