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Hello :) (need a bit of help)
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Hello :) (need a bit of help)  
Hello... Some of you guys might know me from TMUX. Anyways, I have a slight problem here. Whenver I attempt to open a track, It just loads, but never opens. I never had this problem with United. Help? Thanks.
Learner Driver
Location: US
Do you open the track directly from a windows folder (Desktop...) or from inside the game (Local Play)?
If you do it from inside the game I have no idea? :$
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
I do it from the windows folder.

Oh, and why can't you upload records on Nadeo tracks?
Learner Driver
Location: US
Since the start of the game there were always problems with starting tracks out of windows.
I think there are possibilities to fix that, but I don't know how. There are sure a lot of people who know... (so tell him guys!).
I just download a bunch of tracks into the maps/downloaded folder and start them out of the game (local play).

I think the first thread in the help forum might be interesting for you:
Last edited by Hans Holo,
Beetle Racer
Location: DE
I don't mind opening them separately. What sucks is that If I put them in folders, I'd have to open up windows explorer, then move the files into the downloaded folder for whatever game I play, and then open it. It just seems like to much of a hassle to just play one simple track. I use chrome, so I automatically sends the files I download into the downloaded folder, which is the really annoying part.

So I don't think that forum would help me. Sorry, but thanks anyways, I'll look into that once I get this working. Oh, could you answer my second question, and also:

Why does canyon have such lag at times? TMUF had little to no lag for me, but I constantly am facing massive lag whenever I play online, even with just 9 players in the server.
Learner Driver
Location: US
In Chrome, there has to be an option to tell the browser, that you want to be asked where to download files to, every time you start a download. (Sorry for possible bad english, I haven't finished my coffee).

About the lags: I only have lags playing online, when people put mods or other custom stuff on the tracks. Until the mod is downloaded and shown, I have lags.

Beetle Racer
Location: DE
Sweet :d

I'll just open them from in-game, download the track I wanna play :p

Thanks alot!
Learner Driver
Location: US
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